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Neriah smiled as she watched Noah attempt to crawl. "You got it." He laid on the bed on his stomach grabbing at the sheets trying to move. He moved his legs around and smiled as he made another attempt to crawl to her. Riah held her hands out as he to reached for her. "Yaayyy you did it." She said as she picked him up.

She kissed all over his little face making him laugh. "I love you, I love you." She repeated between each kiss. He made little screams as she held him up and pretended to bite on his belly.

"Knock, knock." A different nurse came in the room. "You have a few visitors." She opened the door and a tall figure came in the room.

"There she is."

Neriah's eyes widened and got off the bed with Noah on her hip and ran into Iman's arms.

"How'd you guys know what hospital I was in?"

"We watched the news and asked around. Apparently you've caused quite a scene here, so it wasn't that hard. I'm too see you two are okay." LeBron said hugging her then took a seat on the small couch next to the window.

"How'd you get down here?" Kyrie asked taking Noah from her.

"Close the door I haven't really told the police to much." Kevin closed the door quickly and leaned on it. "I got off the plane and got in the car to the hotel and my things were already sent a head of me with coach's stuff so when I got to the hotel I got out the car and a bag was put over my head and I was tossed in another. I ended up hitting my head on something in the backseat. I woke up and they kept talking about what they were going to do to me and all this shit so I already knew Will had something to do with it. They took the bag off and they had striped me down. I was taped up to a chair at first but after making an attempt to get free they chained up in some basement. A couple days later they brought Noah in. I got out through a window in the bathroom and walked into town and now here I am."

Neriah looked them as they looked at her,  taking in everything she said. "It's Jacq okay?"


"Move out my way please." I pushed my way through the crowd as fans swarmed around me in the airport. I literally just stepped off the plane and it was like everybody and their grandmama knew I was coming.

"Look I'm trying to get to my girl everybody please back up."

Even the damn air port security was trying to get an autograph. I'm being nice to these people but they holding me back from getting to where I need to go. I looked around the best I could trying to find Mira, who got pushed away from me as soon as people recognized who I was.

"Aye man! Who's grabbing on my nuts?" I put my hand over my boys and used my other hand to hold my pocket so no one could take anything.

"EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK OFF ME! I'M ABOUT TO SWING ON THE NEXT BITCH WHO TOUCHES MY ASS." It got dead silent. "Back the fuck off me. I don't like tight spaces like this and you mufuckas is trying to box me in! So back the fuck up!" The crowd moved out the way so I could get through.

"Mira where you at?"

"I'm right here are you okay?" She ran to me and checked my face. "Yeah I'm good. Let's get out of hers." I looked behind me to see the crowd still there. "It was nice kicking it with you people but all that crowding around shit gotta stop. And fuck whoever was trynna yank on my dick! That shit was not cool man, not cool at all."

Mira took my hand and lead me out the airport before I could say anything else. We got in one of the nearest taxi's that was parked out front so we could get away from here before somebody else notices me.

"Where am I taking you guys?" The driver asked.

"I'm about to find out, give me a second."

I pulled my phone out my pocket and saw that I had 17%. I scrolled through my contacts and decided which one of the boys would be, most likely to pick up. I swiped over Kevin's number. I listened to it ring a few times before he answered. "What's going on man?" I sighed in relief since he answered. "Me and Mira just landed a few minutes ago. What hospital are they at?"

"They're at Texas Children's hospital since it was the closes one to them."

"Is that Jacq?" I heard Neriah in the background.

"Tell my baby I'm on my way. How's Sunny doing?"

"He's fine he's doing good." I felt a little bit of the weight lift off my shoulders.

"Good, thanks man I'll be there in a second."

I hung up the phone and told the driver where to go. The whole way there my stomach was in knots. Kevin said they were fine but I won't believe it until I see them for my self. I put my hand on my knee as my leg uncontrollably shook.

"You okay?" Mira asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah I'm good I'm just nervous but I'm excited at the same time. I haven't seen them in a while and I just don't want Noah to be mad me or some shit like that. A stranger took him from right under my nose and ai couldn't do anything about it."

Mira let out a laugh. "Noah is not even a year old, I'm sure it's impossible for the chile to hold a grudge. He doesn't know what was going on, all he know is someone he doesn't know took him away. He is fine now he is with Javeon. Noah will just be happy to see his faada just how you'll be happy to see him. Don't worry about it to much."

Jacq took a deep breath and watched the city fly past him as he looked at out the window.


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