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I know I haven't updated in a while so this is a very short chapter before the next update.

"Thank you so much." I said to the couple that helped me as I got put in the back of the ambulance with Noah in my arms. "Stop thanking us. It was our pleasure to help." The EMT got in with me and closed the double doors and sat beside me like the others who arrived with him. "I'm going to give you an saline IV to get you dehydrated-" I stopped him from taking my arm. "Okay." I let him take my arm but paid more attention to the EMT's working on Noah.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"We're going to give him a saline IV too. He's way to dehydrated and him being sick is only making it worse." Noah cried loudly as the woman searched him for a vein. "We're going to need you to keep a good hold on him. He's not going to like the needle." She looked on his arms and legs trying to find a vein. "There's one on his thigh."

The man working on me put tape on top of my needle and squeezed the bag. "You're all set." I used both hands to hold Noah still. She wiped the spot with an alcohol pad while the other one got the needle ready. "Hold him still the car truck is coming and he'll try to jerk away one we put the needle in. We don't want to slip up and miss the vein. We'll have to start over again if that happens."

"Okay." I held him like she was showing and I watched her as she took a breath and quickly slid the needle in. Noah balked his fist up and let it a heart wrenching cry. "I know, I'm sorry." I kissed the top his head and rubbed his arm gently. "It's all over." She put a piece of tape down and he wasn't to happy about that.

"Ms. Calvin when we get to the hospital we're going to rush you both to the emergency room and get you guys checked out. Mostly for your baby here. That cough could be more than just a cold. Got it?"

"Yeah. I got it."

I held Noah close to me and mentally prayed for God to protect him.


"You guys chill I'm trying to watch TV." I thought having the team over was a good idea but I forgot how crazy they get. I flipped through the channels on the TV trying to find the kids channel for Junie. Teyana had left me alone with her for the second time and since the first time was a wreck, I thought these knuckle heads would help me out. Junie has been cry for two hours now and I've tried everything to get her to stop except the TV. Hopefully that little Caillou nigga is on Junie loves his bald headed ass.

"What channel is this shit on?" I put the remote down to trying to get her to stop crying one more time.

"Today in a small town just an hour away from the Mexican boarder, a woman and her baby stumbled into a small town in San Antonio, Texas. Locals believe they came out of the Chihuahuan Desert just a few miles away from the city. After a husband and wife help the young woman they discover she is former assistant coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Neriah Calvin."

I paused the TV on the picture of Neriah they had on the screen.

"Oh shit. Guys! Get in here! They found Riah!" I heard all of them come running in the living room with me. I rewinded the TV to show them what I heard.

"How she get out there?" LeBron asked. "Maybe if you'd shut up we could find out." I said rolling Junie over to me.

"The couple who found Ms. Calvin are Álexi and Jennifer Gollen. They reported that the two were dehydrated and the baby had a fever of 102° degrees. They had called 911 and the emergency teams arrived minutes later and rushed them off to a hospital for immediate help. It was rumored that Ms. Calvin was supposedly transferred to Denver to couch the Nuggets with former coach of the Cavs, David Blatt. There hasn't been any explaination as to why Neriah Calvin and the baby were out there but we hope to find out soon. That's all we have so far but we will keep you updated as soon as we get more information. I'm Amy Locket with the midday news I will see you all at eleven."

I turned the TV off and looked at Kevin who was sitting next to me. "We gotta tell Jacq."


Neriah 3 (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now