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Sorry for making act mistakes.

"How do we know what hospital she's in?" Iman asked sitting down on the hotel couch. Only him, Kevin, LeBron, and Khyree came. The others didn't want to feel Adam's wrath for leaving the state this close to a game.

"I don't know. We could just watch all the news channels until they say something. That seems to be what most people were talking about when we are at the airport." Khyree said turning the TV on. 


"Look my baby. You look so much better." Neriah said tickling Noah's feet while he laid in the hospital crib. "How's he doing? He looks so much better." She asked the nurse.

"He's doing very well surprisingly. He came in here not looking to good and in two days times he's it's like nothing is wrong. In a lot of cases when babies come in here with fevers over one hundred degrees it doesn't always end well. You ans your baby are very lucky. That cough of his is still bad but if we stay him on top of keeping him hydrated and keep giving him small doses of cough syrup he'll be perfectly fine. The sun burn is keeping him up at night but applying ointments to the affected areas is helping with that. He can start sleeping in your room now, I'm sure walking to this side of the hospital every time he won't stop crying is tiring."

Neriah smiled as she looked at Noah. "It is but I'll do it again and again for him. Isn't that right?" She picked him up and kissed his chest being mindful of the sun burn on his face.

"How are you doing?"

Riah sat in the rocking chair and held noah to her chest. "I'm good, I'm just thirsty all the time. My doctor said I'm still a little dehydrated but they're keeping me on an IV. I'm just really tired and I'm ready to go home. You guys are treating us right here but I miss my bed, and my man."

The nurse laughed. "I hear ya. I'm going to get a bottle for him it's almost time for him to eat again." The nurse left out the room leaving them alone.


"You can't act out like this. Wha do dem? Huh? What's wrong with'chu?" Mira asked coming into the room. Adam wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand to see blood. Jacques had been whooping his ass before she got there. Mira was listed as an emergency contact on his file in the rehabs system. The nurses couldn't figure out anything else to do but to call her. "I'm sorry sir. He's just going through a lot just act like this didn't happen." Adam was escorted by a nurse to check him out while Mira tried to calm him down.

"He won't let me out." Jacq cried out as his fist dripped red and multiple holes in the wall were evidence of the cause. "Look at me." She said standing in front of him. His chest heaved up and down as he tried his best to catch his breath.

"Neriah and Noah were missing and some people found them. Let the police do there job so they can bring them home. I give big up to dem people who find my child. I want to fly out and go be with my daughter and your son just as much as you do. But how can I go and I got you here going crazy. Javeon is okay, Sunny is okay, I believe God is protecting them so I'm leaving them in his hands. That way I can be here to tell you that you'll be here for a long time if you continue to act like this. And if you're here how will you see your family? You're aren't allowed visitors anymore after tonight. All because you can't control your temper." Mira wiped the tears on his face with her thumbs. "You understand what I'm trying to tell you?" He nodded. "That's my boy. Now I call a nurse to get your hands together and I'm going to try to talk to that man you hurt. Hopefully he'll be understanding." Mira left the room and Jacq sat on the bed and looked at the mess he made.

Mira walked down the hall where nurses quarters are and cleared her throat to get Adam's attention. "Mr. Silvers. I'm Neriah's mother. I'm Mira." She stuck out her right hand and he looked at it for a second before shaking it weakly. "What do I owe the pleasure?" He said sarcastically as he let the nurse put an ice pack on his cheek.

"I want to apologize for what Jacques did to you sir. He's going through a tough time and he's over-"

"Who are you his mother? He's a big boy he can speak for himself." Mira clasped her hands together in irritation. "No sir I am not his mother, but he's like my son so I'll speak for him. As I was saying Jacq is overwhelmed right now and his actions show it. I'm not trying to make that a good reason for him to put hands on you but he's not right at the moment."

"My twin sister is battling stage three ovarian cancer at the moment and I take care of her. I work six days a week with no time for my family. I'm overwhelmed too... So, should I just leave out of here punching everyone in my way in the face? No. That would be wrong."

"Then if you're going through that. You understand his pain Mr. Silvers. I'm not about to go on and on about this but I think you should just sign those papers to release him. This is clearly tearing the poor boy apart and to my knowledge you've never had a problem with him until now. So let's treat this like a slap on the wrist."

Adam rolled his eyes. "I would love to my dear but If I do it for him. I'll have to do it for everybody."

"That's only if you tell everybody that you let him be released with a slap on the wrist. I've watched almost every single one of Jacques' games, every post or pre-game interview you gloat about how he's made so much happen for you since you signed him. Pay him back by signing and giving him those papers or I'll make sure you get hit in court for something that can damage your career. You don't want to mess with me Mr. Silvers, you sign those papers or I'll put you back in the room with Jacq again. I'm sure he wants to do more than punch you around few times. Make a choice Mr. Silvers or I'll make one for you." Mira crossed her arms with an eyebrow raised.


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