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Quick update. Sorry for any mistakes.

Third person

"You okay?"


"You sure? I'll go call a nurse in to-"

"I'm fine! Leave me alone!"

"You're not okay. You won't stop throwing up. I'm gonna get a nurse in here."

Jacq rushed out the conjoined bathroom of the hospital room, as Neriah laid her head on the edge of the cool toilet seat. He grabbed the bedside remote and pushed the red button with the white cross to call a nurse in the room. The sound of Neriah throwing up again made him push the button again.

A few seconds later a nurse that he hadn't seen before had came in the room with caution.

"What's going on?"

"My daughter was fine a second ago but she got to throwing up out of nowhere." Mira said rubbing Riah's back. The nurse looked at the small pool of vomit on the side of the bed.

"Ms. Calvin I'm Yalonda, you're night nurse, I was told you're not feeling to well. What's going on?" Mira hesitantly left the bathroom to let the nurse take care of her.

"I-I don't know." Riah gripped the edge of the toilet seat as the room started to spin.

"How do you feel? Are you hot or cold? Tell me was wrong?" The nurse took a pair of gloves from the box on the bathroom counter and lifted Neriah's head to see her eyes heavy and her face drenched in sweat.

"I'm dizzy and I feel hot. I s-started feeling like this after I got this second I-IV."

"Who was your last nurse?"

"Uh she came in ten minutes ago she came to get Noah." Neriah answered not fully hearing what the nurse had asked.

"Who is she?"

"MacKenzie was her name I think." She said getting out of breath.

"MacKenzie? No one on this floor has that name? What did she look like?"

"Black, short red hair, an-and she had black fr-frame glasses." Riah kept sniffing her nose as it felt like it was starting to run. Yalonda got some toilet paper from the roll and told Riah to blow. She looked at the tissue in her hand to see blood.

"Can someone dial zero on the phone and call for doctor Gregerson please?" Mira saw the blood on the toilet paper and ran to the phone and dialed the number.

Riah started to fall to the side but Yalonda held her up. "You gotta stay awake for me. Let's get you in bed. Can you help me?" Jacq quickly picked her up and laid her gently on the bed.

"The doctor on the phone."

"Okay, sir raise the top of the bed so she's sitting up but don't let her head fall back, and keep her talking."

Yalonda took the phone from Mira and started explaining what was going on.

"Hey, you gonna stay awake for me?" Jacq sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand. "Yeah I'm trying but it's hot in here." Mira got some paper towels and ran one under some cold water and put it on Riah's forehead while using the other one to wipe her nose. "Yeah it's a little warm in here but the doctor is going to fix that." Mira said in a comforting tone. Neriah started clenching her chest as it became hard to breath.

"The doctor is on his way down from another floor but a bunch of other nurses are coming."

"Can I have some water?" Riah asked gripping the front of her hospital gown.

"I'd love to give you some. But it's against our protocol to have you drink when you're going through something like this. But you can have some ice chips to cool you down."

"I'll get her some." Mira tossed the bloody paper towel in the trash and rushed out the room to get her some ice.

"Baby you're gonna be okay." Jacq said resting his hand on her thigh. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Mira came back in the room with the ice right as the group of nurses came in.

"We need you guys out we'll let you back in as soon as we solve what's going on." Yalonda said taking the old gloves off to put on new ones.

"But that's my daughter." Mira said becoming extremely worried. 

"We understand ma'am and that's why we're gonna take care of her."

"Come on." Jacq said leading her out the room as they started drawing  Neriah's blood for tests.


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