Mikey Barone: Good Morning

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"Good morning, cutie." Mikey whispered, as he placed a sloppy kiss to my cheek. "You're disgusting Michael!" I groaned sleepily before rolling over and facing away from him. I had yet to open my eyes, and I was quite content with the idea of falling back asleep. "(Y/N)!" Mikey whined, as he cuddled up next to me and placed his chest against my back while his arms folded around me. He began kissing my cheek repeatedly, and I groggily tried to push his face away. "Let me sleep, boy!" I huffed, as I stuffed my face into my pillow. "Baby baby." Mikey cooed, as he used his strength to pull me even closer and roll me back over. "I didn't ask for this." I huffed, as I finally opened my eyes to look at his cute pouting expression. "Yay!" He cheered quietly, as he gave me a light peck on the lips. "I was lonely, and I missed you." Mikey said softly, and I giggled at how cute he was acting. I loved this goofy side of him. "I was right here. How could you possibly miss me?" I giggled, as I placed a light kiss on his shoulder. "I missed your smile, and your voice, and our conversations, and the way you light up my day. I don't think I could last a week without you. You're like a drug. You're too damn addictive." Mikey stated with a smirk. I blushed slightly, but rolled my eyes to hide the fact that I was somewhat touched by his answer. "Michael Barone, did you just compare me to marijuana?" I scoffed in mock anger. "I can't live without you, so I guess that does kinda make you my drug." Mikey concluded, and I giggled slightly as I placed a warm kiss to his lips. He smiled into the kiss and eagerly deepened it. His tongue entered my mouth and fought for dominance, which I eventually gave in to. He pulled me on top of his body so that I was straddling him, and his hand tangled itself in my hair as he drew me in even closer. I bit his lip lightly and tugged, causing a moan to escape his mouth as he tried to cause relieving friction between us. I didn't want to go all the way this time, but I was also enjoying myself too much to make it come to an awkward end. Mikey's hands snaked their way up under my shirt, and as he began to pull the shirt over my head the bedroom door flew open and I immediately rolled off of Mikey.
My shirt was still on, but I still felt the need to cover myself with Mikey's covers. "Sorry! We should have knocked..." Bryce apologized awkwardly, and I shrunk down under the covers further, until only my eyes and head were visible. I held the sheets up over my cheeks to hide my embarrassment, and I watched as Bryce and the Jara twins looked between Mikey and I before finally realizing what they'd really walked in on. I turned to look at Mikey who had a mischievous smirk spread across his face. There was a thick awkward silence that filled the air, but it was instantly silenced by my surprised, "yelp!" when I felt Mikey's hand resting on my thigh underneath the blankets. I tried to remain completely silent and still because I didn't want Bryce and the Twins suspecting anything, and I definitely didn't want Mikey to have the pleasure of knowing his real effect on me. "We just came in because we were thinking about ordering pizza for lunch, and playing some video games and Netflix. Is that okay?" Julian spoke up suddenly, and I nodded weakly as I turned to Mikey, whose finger now rested against the fabric of my underwear while his hand held my thigh firmly in place. "Sounds good--" Mikey started, but I immediately cut him off. "Maybe we'll all go for a swim later or catch a movie. This pizza plan sounds perfect." I concluded, and the 3 boys smiled shyly as they exited the bedroom. "You don't want to be alone with me?" Mikey accused, and I blushed in embarrassment. "I've never...you know..." I whispered softly. Mikey's hand immediately left my thigh, and at first I was scared that is offended him, but instead he pulled me even closer to his body and left a chaste kiss of my forehead before pulling away.

"I'm sorry, baby. I can wait for you. I'm in no rush because I know that I'm madly in love with you." Mikey whispered with a smile, and I nodded with a shy smile before cuddling into his chest. He let out a sigh as he hugged me tightly. "I never want to let go." He whispered into my ear, and I smiled as I snuggled my face into his neck. "As long as we don't sail on the Titanic, I'm never letting go." I retorted, and Mikey's mouth dropped open in shock. "That's so bad, (Y/N)!" He chuckled, and I giggled as I entwined our fingers. "I'm not going to make the mistake of opening this door again, but the pizza is here!" Jovani screamed through the door. Mikey and I stifled our laughter, as we finally got out of bed. "I love you." Mikey stated quietly, and I smiled as I hugged him. "I love you too." I replied. We made our way into the living room where the rest of the boys were playing a video game. They glanced at us briefly before turning back to their game. Mikey sat down next to Bryce, and I sat down next to him. He threw his one arm over my shoulder as he pulled me closer. I smiled up at him, and he looked down and kissed me on the lips with a lingering smile. "AHH!" Julian and Jovani screamed in unison when they saw the kiss. They gave each other a "did we really just speak in unison" look, and Bryce busted out laughing. Bryce easily beat them in the video game due to all of the confusion, and he let out a prolonged cheer. I quickly grabbed a piece of pizza from the box and took a bite before sprawling out on the couch and laying my head down in Mikey's lap. The boys took no notice, and Bryce handed Mikey a controller as he started up a new game. Mikey ran his fingers through my hair as Bryce chose all of the game settings. Eventually the game started up, and I watched in admiration as Mikey's eyebrows furrowed in concentration and he licked his lips in complete focus. I giggled to myself as I turned over to watch him beat Bryce's ass at Call of Duty.


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