Daniel Skye: Centuries

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[Warning: Some Allusions to TVD mentioned.]


(Daniel's POV)
     Every year the party was the same. Champagne flowed freely into every glass, and everyone celebrated the founding of the small mysterious town which we call home. My siblings and I happen to have spent much longer in this town than anyone else in the room, but we were the only 5 who knew it. That is until two familiar faces stepped through the front door. There were now 7 of us in a room full of clueless humans, unaware that the lot of us could suck the blood from their body in a matter of seconds. We were infamous vampires, and no we obviously are not a myth. I elbowed my brother, Robert, and gestured to the two tall men who had attracted the eyes of every single woman the very second they walked into the party: Stefan and Damon Salvatore. The two began to make their way towards our direction, but hadn't seemed to notice our presence just yet. The sight of Damon made rage flood through my body, and my younger brother JJ had to hold me back. He knew how I felt about those two. My siblings and I are significantly older than the Salvatores, but just like them our parents didn't join us in the afterlife. They died from the Black Plague in 1347. My siblings and I all became vampires that same year. I was age 19, Robert was 20, JJ was 16, Joe was 13, and Rebecca was the youngest of us all at age 10. It was a miracle we'd all survived for 6 centuries together, and like normal vampire lore we hadn't aged a day since.

     "Well if it isn't my favorite teenage vampire clan," Damon muttered sarcastically as he made direct eye contact with me. It pissed me off even more that he could look me in the eye after what he did nearly a century ago.
      "Damon, leave them alone. They're just kids," Stefan told his brother as he pushed him away from us. Damon scowled at his brother, but he looked up and past me, before a smile spread across his face. My eyes followed where he was looking, and my stomach clenched.
     "I always loved that picture," Damon stated.
     "You asshole," I growled. I lunged for him, but Robert's arm held me firmly back before I could even take a step. Damon's smile faltered at this.
      "You know how hard love is to find when you're stuck here for eternity. It's rare. You've only loved two women in your whole time on this planet, and you had the nerve to kill the only love I've ever had. If my brother wasn't holding me back, I'd snap your neck right here and now," I threatened.
      Stefan professed how sorry he was for his brother before finally convincing Damon to back away. They disappeared into the crowd, and I shoved Robert's hand off of me. I walked up to the picture Damon had noticed, and I felt a tear trickle down my cheek.
     "Daniel? What's wrong?" Becca asked innocently.
     "Nothing," I mumbled as I wiped the tear away. I reached my hand out and my fingers traced over the glass in the frame. Beneath was a photograph taken in 1922 at a party just like the one tonight, taken in this very room. If you knew to look for it, you could just make out the faces of the couple who were dancing and laughing. I remembered her beautiful laugh as I looked at the picture of me and her dancing, but now she was dead and it was all Damon Salvatore's fault.


[New York]
{January 1920}
      I pulled my coat closer to my chest as the snow began to fall heavier. 5th avenue was alive and bustling as automobiles rolled down the road and zoomed past me. Anti-prohibition posters littered the walls, and protesters handed out flyers to anyone passing by. People were talking loudly about politics, the main concern being women's suffrage. States were ratifying the 19th amendment all over the country, and people were debating the issue constantly. I'd been alive long enough to see women being oppressed for centuries, and I was in total support of their right to vote. America was started on the idea that everyone had a say in their government, which was the main reason my siblings and I moved to New York City. The snow continued to float down heavily, and I began to walk faster towards the apartment where my family was currently residing. For a moment it was as if the snow had stopped entirely, and I saw her clearly through both the crowd and the snow. She was walking towards my direction, wearing a cloche hat and white coat to match. She smiled at nothing in particular, and I immediately fell in love with her smile. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.
      As I neared her, we made eye contact, and in that second she lost her balance. She slipped off of the curb and landed in the road. The snow fall thickened once again, and I saw an automobile nearing the girl at full speed. Her face showed pure fear, for the driver could not see her through all of the snow. My vampire instincts kicked in, and within a second I'd pulled her out of the way of the speeding automobile. When she realized what just happened, she looked at me with an expression that I could not read. She noticed a few people staring in confusion, and she grabbed ahold of my hand and began walking quickly down the road. She ducked into an alley and pulled me along with her.
      "What was that?" She asked judgmentally.
      "I just saved your life! You're welcome!" I exclaimed, somewhat angry now.
      "You totally just let multiple people witness the inexplainable speed of a vampire! You could have totally blown everything!" She yelled.
      "What do you mean 'blown everything'? And how the hell do you know about vampires?" I asked, but before she answered I'd already figured it out.
     "I'm a vampire. I'd prefer not to attract attention to that fact. This city could be filled with hunters," she whispered.
     "With what?" I asked confused.
     "Hunters...how old are you? Let me rephrase that question. How long have you been a vampire?" She asked.
     "573  years."
     "And you've never encountered a Hunter?" She asked in surprise.
     "There are people who know of our existence and they take it upon themselves to hunt us down and drive a wooden stake through us. They've been around since the beginning of vampires. They see us as unnatural beings. They're our only predators...besides werewolves, but I've never met a werewolf who wanted to harm me." She explained.

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