Jack Gilinsky: Odds

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*Jack's POV*
    Disneyland was insanely packed as Sammy, Johnson, Matt, Kyle, and I maneuvered through the crowd towards Space Mountain. The line for the ride was annoyingly long, and it was Kyle who first suggested the idea of playing a game to pass the time in line.
     "What if we played that one game where if the person says the same number as you in unison, they get dared to do something crazy or stupid?" Matt offered.
     "Are you talking about What are the Odds?" Johnson asked.
     "Yeah that's the one!" Matt confirmed cheerfully.
     "This is so immature," I chuckled as Sammy turned to Kyle.
     "Bro, I got this. What are the odds that you go and jump into that fountain over there?" Sammy asked Kyle rhetorically.
      "Now both of you say a number between 1-10 and say it at the same time. If it's the same number then Kyle has to go jump in the fountain," Matt explained. We all nodded in understanding. Sammy counted, "3, 2, 1" before he and Kyle both blurted out the first number to cross their mind.
      "Damn it!" Sammy cursed when he realized that Kyle didn't have to do the dare now. Kyle grinned, and turned to Johnson. They both said the same number, and J cursed under his breath because now he had to do the Napoleon Dynamite dance in front of everyone waiting in line. I tried to stifle my laughter as I watched my best friend dance like a fucking idiot as strangers watched and laughed. I caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl in front of me smiling as she watched J dance. Johnson came back with cheeks as red as a tomato. Johnson and Matt went next, but they didn't say the same number. Matt turned to me now with a cruel smile plastered on his face.
      "What are the odds that you surprise kiss the hot girl in front of you in line right now?" Matt said cheekily. I rolled my eyes and prepared myself for the worst.
   I rolled my eyes in annoyance while Matt grinned. I turned myself around and looked at the back of the girl's head. I now noticed we were close to getting on the ride, so I knew I'd have to act quick.
     "Excuse me?" I asked her as I placed a tap on her shoulder. She turned to look at me, and I quickly but gently pulled her face closer to mine so that we were kissing. I had one hand on her cheek and the other placed at the nape of her neck. I pulled away after a second and she stood stunned.
      "Um..." she mumbled awkwardly.
      "I'm Jack," I told her with a flirtatious smile.
      "(Y/N)," she replied.
   I glanced sideways and realized we were next for the coaster. It suddenly occurred to me that Space Mountain only had double seats, and there was an odd number of us on this trip. Matt and Kyle had already gotten settled in the second row, while Sammy and Johnson filled the third row. (Y/N) and I were lined up at the first row. She slid into the ride, and I sat down next to her, but it wasn't awkward. If anything it felt right to be next to her.
      "Do you have a boyfriend?" I found myself asking with unusual confidence.
      "No," she whispered before looking up at me. Her eyes were absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed it before. She was literal perfection.
      "Do you think after we get off this ride, you can give me your number and we'll set up a date? I'd really like to get to know you more," I admitted.
      "That sounds amazing, Jack." She smiled.
   I blushed and braced myself for the ride getting ready to shoot off.
      "By the way, 2 Cigarettes is one of my favorite songs of all time," she whispered into my ear the moment before the ride took off in full speed. I smiled as the loud noise of screams filled the space as we made the first dramatic drop on the rollercoaster. I heard (Y/N)'s scream and laughter from next to me, and my heart fluttered. The most perfect girl in the world was a fan of MY music, and she even considered going on a date with me.


(Short but cute and based on a true story...but some of you may have noticed my Instagram account won't pop up anymore. I had to deactivate at least for awhile, but I'll continue posting my stories here so the true fans aren't fanfic-less 😂)

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