(Dec 2) Jack Gilinsky: Family

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    "Who's the best little granddaughter in the world?" Jack's mom, Katherine, cooed at mine and Jack's baby girl. Our daughter giggled, and looked up at Katherine with wide eyes.
"Daddy! Daddy!" She babbled when she saw Jack walk into the room with a plate of cookies.
"Merry Christmas, baby," Jack said softly with a wave to our daughter. She reached her arms out and gestured for Jack to come pick her up. Katherine handed the baby to Jack, and smiled. Jack went to help his sisters set the table for Christmas dinner, while balancing our daughter who had decided to lay her head down on his shoulder and try to sleep.
"He's such a great Dad." Katherine turned to look at me.
"He really is," I confirmed while watching my husband and daughter bond. He was going to completely spoil her. He loved her more than anything.
"Thank you for becoming a part of our family. You've given my son so much happiness and hope. I'm glad we are all here for Christmas this year," Katherine said.
"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else or with anyone else." I smiled at Katherine. Suddenly, the front door opened and the smell of fresh apple pie drifted into the room.
"What's up everybody! Merry Christmas! I️ come bearing sweets!" Johnson cheered as he entered the house holding a huge pie. His fiancee walked in right behind him, holding a platter of something that smelled delicious. He smiled at her lovingly, like there was no one else in the room.
"Aye what's up little G!" Johnson chuckled as he walked up to my daughter who was gesturing for her Dad to hand her over to Uncle J.
Johnson held my daughter, and began speaking in a weird baby voice. I laughed at his ridiculousness.
"What a noob," J's fiancee, Maegan, chuckled as she watched him holding baby Lyla in admiration.
"Can't wait to start a family, huh?" I asked her, immediately recognizing her expression.
"That obvious?" She giggled.
"A mini Maegan and J? The blue eyes your baby would have would be a blessing to the entire world!" I exclaimed. Maegan and I had quickly become close friends after meeting each other for the first time while dating the Jacks. She smiled and turned back to watch her man.
"I just want to watch him teach our toddler to play on the piano like he can. Jack is so talented and smart. He's the only one for me." Maegan sighed dreamily.
"Maegan, I want one!" Johnson whisper yelled suddenly towards us, "I wanna teach him or her to play like 5 different instruments!" I was amazed at how in sync Maegan and J were. It's like they both had the same thoughts and opinions. It was like that for Jack and me as well.
"Alright, we should probably start dinner now that everyone is here," Katherine announced as she got up. We were all starved and ready to eat.

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