(Dec 8) Grayson Dolan: Teams

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"Oh my god, this is just embarrassing!" Grayson whispered to me, as he stared out at the line of girls waiting to get into the Dolan Twin's show. This was their second tour ever, and Grayson was equally as excited about it. He loved meeting his fans in real life. The only problem was, the fans didn't know Grayson and I were dating. The ship name existed in the fandom of course, but another problem soon arose. A lot fans began to ship me with Ethan as well. We'd made YouTube videos together, all three of us, and some fans either shipped me with Gray or Ethan. Fangirls started making it an internet trend by using #TeamEthan or #TeamGrayson when deciding who they shipped me with more. I found it all very funny considering I was in love with Grayson, and Ethan was like a best friend/brother to me. Grayson got jealous and protective very easily however, and it really seemed to bug him.
"There are like 20 girls out there wearing #TeamEthan shirts!" He groaned.
      "Are you seriously counting them?" Ethan chuckled, walking up behind us to look down at the line of girls.
      "Seriously, babe. Look there may be 20 girls who are wearing #TeamEthan shirts, but at least 30 are wearing #TeamGrayson shirts!" I defended. Grayson nodded glumly, and pulled me into a hug. He rested his chin on my head and let out a huge sigh.
     "Doors open in like a minute! We gotta get backstage now," Ethan exclaimed.

I watched the boys do their show from backstage, and giggled to myself as girls screamed for them to take their shirts off. I caught Grayson staring at the large poster with #TeamEthan multiple times. When the show was finally over, the DJ came out and told everyone where the M&G line would be held. Ethan and Grayson came backstage and met up with me, before we all headed to the M&G set up. I stood off to the side near Kyle the security guard, while fans came in individually to take their pictures with the boys. After about 20 fans, a girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes walked into the M&G area and hugged Ethan and Grayson. She was so excited to talk with them. She turned and saw me suddenly, and quickly asked the boys if I was allowed to be in the photo too.
She explained her pose idea would work perfectly if Ethan (her fave) did the prom pose with her, while Grayson did a prom pose with me. Like we were all double dating. I agreed to the idea immediately, and stepped up as Ethan wrapped his hands around the girl's waist and smiled at the camera. Grayson looked down at me, and wrapped his arms around my waist as well. The first picture was taken, when suddenly I felt myself twirled around so that I was facing Grayson with a sideways view of the photographer. Grayson leaned down and kissed me passionately, and I was so shocked that I nearly fell. The girl dropped out of her pose immediately and squealed.
"I'm totally a #TeamGrayson! Are you seriously dating?!" She asked.
"Yes," Grayson answered before I could say no. It took me by surprise. He really had been jealous of his brother getting shipped with me.
"Omg! I love you both so much!" She yelled, as she was escorted back out of the M&G area so the next girl could come in. It didn't take long for the internet to get ahold of the M&G picture, and soon it was official that I was Grayson's girlfriend. Not Ethan's. Grayson had never seemed happier about it.

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