Shawn Mendes: Abused

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*Your POV*
    I sobbed and shook severely as I sat down against my locked bedroom door.

3. 2. 1.

"(Y/N)?" His voice asked softly while he knocked on the door.
"Baby?" He called again, "Please let me in."
"What?!" His voice rose.
"I said, no." I repeated in a whisper as I looked down at my bruised arms. I'd never been brave enough to stand up to him before. It was completely silent now, and that terrified me. A loud cracking sound made me tumble away from the bedroom door. He'd kicked the door in. I stood up and looked at him fuming in front of me.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" He yelled.
"Ungrateful Bitch!" He scoffed and shook his head. I just wanted him to spare me. Now that he stood in front of me with his muscles tensed, I couldn't find the courage to tell him off. He was bipolar, and there was nothing I could do to change that.
I backed up until my calves hit the edge of our bed. I lost my balance and fell backwards onto the bed. I shuffled back slightly, and stared up at him silently. Anger still flooded his expression, and I was scared that he'd hit me more.
He silently stepped towards me and leaned down so that his face was inches from mine. He was gorgeous in all honesty, and for a second I saw the man I loved. He kissed me passionately, and my heart skipped a beat.
He wasn't going to hurt me tonight.
His hands played and tugged at my hair softly as he kissed me. I was so lost in the kiss that I didn't notice his hand had taken a firm grip of most of my hair until he tugged forward so harshly that I fell face first onto the floor. I opened my mouth in protest, but before a word came out he'd already kicked all the air out of my lungs. I cried out and rolled over.

"You can't treat me like I'm nothing (Y/N). You're mine, and you have no right to sass me or use me! Locking me out of my own bedroom was the last straw!" He screamed, as he yanked me up by my hair.
I screamed out in pain, and I felt my tears cascade down my face. He hit me repeatedly, and I sobbed throughout. When he was done, I laid bloody and bruised on the wood floor. I could barely move. He got up to start a shower for us, and I tried my best to stand up. He'd be enraged if I stayed on the ground.
"Come on, baby." He said gently. His eyes were filled with regret now, and he could barely look at me. He helped me into the shower, and helped wash away the blood spots that I couldn't reach.
When I finished showering, I wrapped myself up in a towel before changing into one of his shirts. He quietly got in bed and waited for me. I sat down slowly because of how sore I was. He pulled me into his arms, and I closed my eyes. I tried to forget that this was the same man who hurt me. This man loved me, but he'd punish me nonetheless.
"I love you (Y/N)," he whispered before placing a kiss to my forehead.
"I love you too, Cam. I love you too."

*Shawn's POV*
    My eyes followed (Y/N) as she walked from the front door of the office to her desk beside mine. I kept typing up the latest data our boss had given me, and pretended that I hadn't been checking out the hottest girl I've ever known.
   "Shawn?" (Y/N) whispered. "Where's the rest of the data? I can help type it up."
   "Here," I told her with a smile as I placed a stack of papers on her desk. She took a deep breath and reached out to grab the first sheet of paper. Her long sleeved blouse rolled up slightly, revealing a dark bruise on her wrist. She looked up at me silently when she noticed I'd been looking at her wrist. She swiftly pulled her sleeve back down, and gave me a pleading glance. I noticed she'd tried to cover the bruise with makeup, so I didn't say a word.
     Maybe it wasn't even abuse. Maybe she and her boyfriend liked handcuffs or something, and it got too rough. S&M could easily leave bruises. I shook the thoughts away because it wasn't even my business.

    I focused on typing, and by the time I finished today's data entry, it was already 6:00pm. I began to pack up my things, and slid my coat on. The office lights were dimmed, and almost everyone had gone home for the night. It was just me and (Y/N).
   "Would you like to grab some drinks with me? It is Friday," I offered (Y/N).
   She'd just begun packing her own things up for the day, but when I spoke she looked at me with wide eyes.
   "I can't. I have uh--plans," she whispered.
  I knew she wasn't telling the full truth, but I couldn't push her.
   "Okay. Stay safe tonight," I said. She nodded, and I grabbed my car keys.
   I walked out to my car and sat silently for awhile.

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