Daniel Skye: Snow Day

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"Damn." I grumbled, as I stared out the window at the multiple feet of snow. "Guess you can't go into work today." Daniel teased as he sat down on our couch with a bowl of cereal in his lap. "I guess you got what you wanted." I huffed before plopping down on the couch next to him. I laid my head in his lap and stared up at his amused expression. He took another bite of his cereal before a small laugh escaped his lips. "What are you laughing at?" I accused defensively. "You." He joked, and I slapped his chest lightly. "I've been begging you to stay home all morning, and you kept saying you HAD to go into work today...but I guess I win now," Daniel stated confidently. "I am going into work, Daniel. I have to." I groaned as I stood back up. "Please stay." He pouted, and I rolled my eyes as I walked back into our room to grab an outfit to change into. I locked the bathroom door and turned my curling iron on. "(Y/N), come on out! Call in sick or something. The driveway and roads are so filled with snow that you can't go in to work even if you wanted to! You have a valid excuse!" Daniel called through the door. "Money doesn't grow on trees you know?!" I yelled back. "I'll release my next song early to make up for the money! Please, (Y/N)?" I heard Daniel whine, and I could practically see his pout. "Aton is in control of when your music is released, not you." I added, before opening the door and looking up into his mischievous expression.

"Pleaseee," he begged again. I felt my phone buzz in my hand, and I quickly looked down to see an email from my boss. Apparently today's snow was so bad that he didn't want anyone coming into work at all.  I smiled and slid my phone into my back pocket. "I don't know, Daniel...I need to work today." I teased.
I stepped past him, and made my way towards the kitchen. "You can't go into work!" Daniel exclaimed suddenly as he grabbed ahold of my waist and threw me over his shoulder. He was so tall that my feet were nowhere near the ground, and I was flailing around in his grip. He ran in the direction of our bedroom, and I soon felt my body collide with the mattress. "Fine. I won't go in to work today." I huffed, as I crossed my arms and pouted. Daniel smiled down at me, and I rolled my eyes at his cocky expression. "My boss already emailed me saying that I didn't have to go in today." I muttered, and Daniel's eyes widened. "So you were just playing me?!" He scoffed in mock anger. I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled because I was ultimately victorious. A squeak escaped my mouth when I felt Daniel's fingers latch onto my sides as he began tickling me harshly. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, and laughed as he practically tickled me to death.

"Danielll---STOP!" I giggled, as I tried to pry his strong hands off of me. He let go immediately, and let out a sigh as he plopped down on top of me. "Oh my god, Daniel! You weigh like a million pounds! Get off!" I groaned, as I tried to roll him off of me. He began leaving small kisses on my cheek and neck, and I giggled at the ticklish feeling. "Stoppp," I whined. He rolled off of me, but immediately pulled me into his embrace. I rolled over to face him, and cuddled into his chest. I could hear his quickened heartbeat, and I smiled at how content I felt. It was honestly so cold inside and outside, but Daniel's body heat combined with our covers caused the most amazing cozy feeling. Daniel began humming his new song, and I slyly began filming a snapchat video of me making faces as he sang lyrics to his new and unreleased song. I began mouthing the words along with him, and when he realized what I was doing his eyes widened. "(Y/N)! No spoilers!" He screeched, and I immediately stopped the video and posted it to my story. I rewatched the video and laughed at Daniel's reaction. "I sound like a dying cow." Daniel complained, as he pulled me even closer to his chest so that we were now spooning. "You sound amazing, Daniel. Anytime you deny that, I'm gonna call up one of your millions of fans and ask them how they feel about it." I argued, and I felt Daniel smile as he placed a kiss on my shoulder. "How come you always say the right thing?" He asked suddenly, and I smiled to myself. "Because I'm a genius." I muttered, and I heard Daniel chuckle lightly. "Not a very modest genius though." He mumbled, and I felt his arms tighten around my waist. It was quiet for awhile, and before long I heard his light snores behind me. "I love you, Daniel." I whispered quietly. Daniel mumbled incoherently in response, and I quickly fell asleep in his arms.


{I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to post and update 😕 a lot is going on in my life right now, but I promise I'll be writing a lot more soon. I've just had this horrible writers block that I can't shake. I have all these fan fic ideas but can never figure out where I want to start 😔❤️}

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