Christmas Holidays

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Your and your boyfriend Draco have been dating for two years and it's been great. Until now. This Christmas your parents, Molly and Arthur Weasley, wanted you to come home this year so they can meet your new boyfriend. But they don't know that it's Draco. Actually no one knows it's Draco. You've been keeping your relationship a secret from everyone, even your twin brother Ron, who usually you tell everything to. The only person who actually knew you had a boyfriend was your sister Ginny.
In the Gryffindor common room, about a year ago, you and your sister got into a massive argument. And because you were both very angry at eachother, you threatened to burn her DADA essay she'd been working on all evening. So, she threatened to tell your parents you had a boyfriend. You were confused to how she found out, but didn't question it as you were so angry. Being the badly-tempered person you are, you threw Ginny's essay into the fire. You felt a bit bad, but suddenly Ginny ran upstairs and locked herself in her dormitory, saying she was writing an owl to your mum and dad.
About a week later, you got an owl from your dad, ordering you to tell him everything. You explained that you'd been going out with your boyfriend for a year. Of course you didn't say that your boyfriend was Draco Malfoy because you knew your father would probably do something drastic, like remove you from Hogwarts. That's how much your family hated the Malfoys. Your father also said that you had to come home for Christmas and introduce him. Reluctantly, you agreed, you did really miss your parents and your two older brothers who didn't attend Hogwarts.
"You ok (y/n)?" Draco said as you both walk up to the burrow door.
"It's just I don't know how they're gonna react," You say.
"I mean, they've always been really supportive of my past boyfriends, but your a malfoy and-"
"It's ok (y/n), you don't have to explain. I know they're not gonna like me," Says Draco; he actually sounded a bit disappointed.
You wrapped your arms round his waist and give him a kiss on his small pink lips.
"They'll love you Draco, maybe not straight away, but eventually, they'll come around," you say with a chuckle.
You raise your hand to knock on the door but you stop and turn your head to Draco, "I think you should wait outside at first so I can, you know, warn them," you say, immediately regretting it as you see the sadness in Draco's face.
"Ok, I'll just wait round the corner."
Again, you raise your fist and knock on the burrow's wooden front door...

I really wanted to find a fanfiction with a storyline somewhat similar to this, but I couldn't find one, so I just decided to write one myself😂

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