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"Hey gorgeous," Draco says as you enter the room. A single tear rolled down your cheek.
"I guess the chat didn't go too well," Draco stating the obvious.
Shaking your head, you cuddled up next to Draco and started to cry. You said, "All I asked was for them to give you a chance. And why won't they? Because of your surname. That's why my parents won't get to know my boyfriend. Because of a stupid word."
"(Y/n) it's ok. Everything will be ok."
"Thank you Draco. But it won't all be ok."
You looked up into his deep grey eyes. (Sorry if his eyes aren't grey, I don't know what colour they are so I picked a colour) You loved his eyes. They were stunning. Then, you kissed him, with passion.
Suddenly, and to your surprise, your little sister Ginny walked in to your room. At first you didn't notice her, but when you did, you and Draco jumped away from eachother. "Um...hi Gin. What do u want?" You asked, wanting her to leave you both alone.
"Sorry, I just come up to get my bracelet that you borrowed from me last week. But I can come back another time."
"No it's fine Ginny I'll just get it for you," you said, getting up from the bed and rummaging through your jewellery drawer.
"So...what do you think of the house?" Ginny asked Draco, trying to make conversation.
You turned around with Ginny's bracelet in your hands, but stopped to hear what Draco had to say about your house.
"I actually really like it here! It's such a unique place. And everything is done by magic. Of course we use magic at my house too, but sometimes I like to do things the muggle way. It's quite interesting to see everything being done by magic. Even the pots and dishes wash themselves!"
Draco sounded quite excited to be staying at The Burrow. Ginny looked up at you. Then Draco turned around and looked into your big brown eyes. (Sorry if your eyes aren't big and brown. It was just easier to write a specific colour eye instead of your colour eye etc.)
You walked over to Ginny and gave her a huge bear hug. You whisper into her ear, "thank you Ginny. Thank you for giving him a chance."
"It's ok (y/n). He's not actually that bad," Ginny whispered back.
As you pulled away from the hug, you heard your mum shouting for you, Ginny and Draco to come downstairs for dinner.

A/N: I didn't include the dinner scene in this chapter because I wanted it to have its own chapter. I'll upload the next part later on today.

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