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When you got home, you grabbed the broom from your mother and hid it in the back of your wardrobe. You came downstairs to see Ron and Draco playing wizard chess. "I didn't know you could play chess," you sat down next to Draco.
"That's me, full of surprises!" Draco winked at you and laughed.
But then, Draco frowned and turned away from you. "Are you ok Draco?" You asked.
"Yep," he said, he sounded like he was about to cry. "King to A5." Draco won the game of chess. "Wow you're really good at wizard chess Draco!" Ron was surprised that Draco had beat him. Draco only responded with a weak smile. Then he turned to you and said, "I'm just going upstairs for a bit."
Before you had the chance to respond, he was gone up the stairs.

Draco's P.O.V
I broke down crying on the bed. I was so upset. Tears flowed out of me like rivers. Tonight could be the last night. The last time I-
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Thinking it was (y/n), I said, "come in."
But to my horror, Fred and George came in. They had now seen me crying. I just wanted to die. I had nothing else to live for. However, the twins didn't laugh at me, they sat either side of me on the bed. "Are you alright Draco?" Fred said. "Are you stupid Fred?" George said, "Of course he's not alright! He's crying! What's wrong Draco? Is it anything we can help you with?"
"No you can't help me. I'm the only person to blame for this."
"For what?"
"Your father. He said that he wouldn't let me and your sister see eachother anymore if he didn't like me. And he gave me until (y/n) and Ron's birthday, which is tomorrow. And I know I haven't done enough. I know he'll banish me from The Burrow and he won't let me see (y/n) anymore. And it's all my fault. Everything is," I carried on crying, not caring if anyone saw me. I was genuinely upset and actually wasn't faking years to get attention. I'm past that selfish faze of my life, and for once I was being genuine and truthful.
"Draco! What do you mean! You've been nothing but nice to Dad, to the whole family. And we all get along with you so well," George said.
"Anyway, you still have all of tonight to impress him. I would t worry about it if I were you mate," Fred said.
"Thanks guys. But I know this is it. Thanks for being so nice to me this holiday. But it will be the last holiday we spend together. It...it was fun though."

I'm so so sorry this chapter is so short. I know I said this chapter would be long but I'm having a sleepover with all my friends and so I haven't had time to write a lot. Also I'm getting ready to go back to school and so I've been busy doing that.
I really am sorry but I'll upload a longer chapter next time❤️

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