The Burrow

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"(Y/N)!!" Your mother sounded very enthusiastic, "everyone! (Y/n) is home!"
Everyone began running down the stairs to greet you. Even though you saw your siblings at school, you hadn't spent Christmas with them in a long time, and that's why everyone was so excited to see you. The first ones to greet you were Fred and George, followed by Percy, Ginny, Ron, Bill, Fleur (Bill's wife) and lastly, your dad Arthur.
"(Y/n), you look lovely. It feels like I haven't seen you for years!"
"That's because you haven't dad," you say with a laugh.
"Anyway, where's this boyfriend of yours?"
"He didn't ditch you at King's Cross did he?" joked Fred.
"Shut up Fred. He's just outside getting his stuff."
"We'll bring him in!" Your mum was getting way too excited.
"About that, I need to tell you something before I bring him in."
Your family looked quite worried.
"Give him a chance. I don't think you're gonna approve of him, actually I know you won't approve of him, but trust me, he's really not that bad once you get to know him. So please, could you all do that for me? Get to know him before you judge him?"
"Calm down (y/n), he can't be that bad. You sound like your about to bring Voldemort through the door," George said, getting glares from his whole family, including you.
"Sorry" he apologised, knowing his joke was taken more seriously than he intended it to be taken.
"Of course we won't judge him, I bet he's lovely!" Said your mum, still too excited.
You slowly walked outside to get Draco.
"Ok here goes," you whisper to him, smiling.
You both walk back inside, hand in hand.
"Mum, Dad, Bill, Fleur, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny. This is Draco Malfoy."

Sorry this part is so short, I'll make the next chapter longer. I'll update the story later on today!😜

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