Calm Down

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"But did you afford all this?" You asked. Your family were very poor and usually bought everything second hand. But all of yours and Ron's presents were brand new and were quite expensive.
"Well a persons 16th birthday is very important, and so we've all been saving up. Like we do for all your 16th birthdays," your mum said, gesturing to the rest of her children. You and Ron looked at eachother. Then you both got up and hugged your mum tightly. You knew that your parents really couldn't afford any of the presents at all, but they still got them for you because they wanted you both to be happy. You then hugged and thanked your dad and your brothers and sisters. You then all sat around the table to eat breakfast.

Your mum made all yours and Ron's favourite foods. Ron probably ate half a about 10 minutes.

After breakfast you and your family went to get dressed; all of your friends were coming over for dinner. You decided to wear:
1. Black jeans, a white t-shirt, a black hoodie and red converse. Your hair was down, straightened, and you had natural makeup on.
2. A white dress and black sandals. Your hair in Dutch braids and a nude pink lip, mascara and you filled in your brows. You didn't wear any facial makeup.
3. Denim shorts, a crop top and white vans. You wore quite a lot of makeup: foundation, concealer, blusher, highlighter, contour, you filled in your eyebrows, mascara and a nude lip. You had also straightened your hair and left it down.
4. Jeans, a t-shirt, a knitted cardigan and flats. You didn't wear any makeup and your hair was down and wavy.
5. A striped black and white dress with black flats. You only filled in your eyebrows and used black mascara. Your hair was down.

When you were dressed, you walked downstairs and saw Draco sitting on the sofa waiting for you. He looked at you with his mouth open wide. You twirled around, milking his attention. "There's my stunning girl," he said, wrapping his hands around your waist.
"And here's my handsome man," you said back to him. You leant in for a kiss, when you heard your mother shout, "will you two lovebirds stop making out and come and help me!" But she wasn't angry, she was stressed. Your mum always got stressed with birthdays. She always ended up rushing around trying to get everything done and make it all perfect. Of course you appreciated it, but she needed to calm down.

You walked into the kitchen and realised why your mum was so stressed. She had been working so hard trying to make everything look perfect, and it did! All of the decorations were still up from this morning, but there were more balloons and party hats everywhere. Your kitchen table had somehow doubled in size, it had to because there was so much food and treats. "I said can you both help please," your mum said, waking you from your trance.
"Oh sure mum, what can we do?"
"Straighten all the cushions, make sure all of the wrapping paper is put in the bin, and go and find your father. He needs to clear some gnomes from the garden!"
"Mum, your getting stressed, calm down," you said, "take a deep breath and start again."
She breathed in, and out. You both smiled and went to do the things your mother asked.
You straightened the pillows while Draco put the remaining wrapping paper in the bin. You then both went to find your dad.
You eventually found your dad sitting in his room, staring out the window, looking rather sad. "Dad are you ok?" You asked. Draco walked up to him and sat down next to him. Then your dad whispered something into Draco's ear. Draco then got up and said, "I'm just gonna go downstairs and start on the garden."
He left the room, you dad was still staring out the window. You went to sit down next to him, and saw he had tears in his eyes. "Dad! What's wrong?" You were very worried, your dad never cried. "It's just you and Ron," he said, very sadly. Suddenly, Ron came through the door, and said, "I heard my name," he then saw your dad crying. "Ok, what's happened?"
You signalled for your brother to come and sit with you.
"It's just...your all growing up so quickly. I remember when you were both crawling round the living room, now here you are, both turning 16, both have boyfriends and girlfriends and you've nearly finished school. I'm just not ready for you both to grow up."
You didn't know your dad felt like that.
"Dad, don't worry about that. We'll always be your children," Ron said. "It doesn't matter where we are, or who we're with, we'll always be here," you finished off. You and your twin brother hugged your dad tightly. He quickly cheered up and said, "so who's coming to the party?" He asked you both.
"Well there's Harry, Hermione, Seamus, Dean, Luna," you started.
Then Ron carried on, "Neville, Lee, Katie and Angelina."
You, Ron and your dad made your way downstairs. Just as you reach the bottom of the stairs, there was a knock at the door.

My next upload will be the last chapter of this fanfiction! I'm really excited to finish it, but I'm sad too. I've really loved writing this. But don't worry! I will be starting something else after this fanfiction. Try and guess what it will be in the comments ;) I'll upload the last chapter on Thursday❤️

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