A Lovely Evening

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A couple of hours had passed since the...incident with your dad. You'd told Draco about what Arthur had said, and you could tell he was nervous. That was one of Draco's very few faults: he had hardly any self-confidence. He put on a brave, confident face, but really he thought very low of himself. But you always saw the best in him.

You, Draco, Fleur and all of your siblings were sitting in the living room playing truth or dare (just pretend it's a wizard game😂)
"Truth or dare Fred?" You asked your brother.
"Dare!" Fred said.
"I dare you to...switch clothes with Fleur!"
Fleur and Fred looked at eachother...and laughed hysterically. Fleur and Fred had been really good friends since her and Bill got together.
They both got up, and within minutes, thy returned in eachother's clothes.
Fred was wearing a light blue night dress and some pink fluffy slippers. "Wow Fred you look beautiful!!" Ginny joked.
Fleur was wearing some black pyjama bottoms and a red jumper with a big 'F' on the front (if you didn't realise by now, everyone had their pyjamas on).

You carried on playing the game for a while, and then everyone had some more sweets and treats. Your mum also made everyone her famous hot chocolate. You never knew what it was, but Molly said that she added a special ingredient that made it taste so amazing. You, Fred and George also pranked Ginny. You and your twin older brothers were so alike: you all loved to prank people and you all had an amazing sense of humour. You hid around the corner to where your sister's bedroom was. Suddenly, you heard a scream. Then, to your amusement, Ginny came storming around the corner, covered from head to toe in pink slime. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU THREE!!!!" She screamed, only making you and your brothers laugh even harder.

It was about 10pm now and you were already on your 4th cup of hot chocolate, that was one thing you'd missed for the past two years: your mum's special marshmallow hot chocolate. Ginny and Percy had already gone up to bed, but you, Ron, Draco, Fred, George, Bill, Fleur and your parents were just sitting and chatting.
"So Draco, we don't know much about you. What are your favourite subjects at Hogwarts?" Your mother asked.
"I quite like Transfiguration. And Potions I'm not too bad at as well, so I like that one too. Charms is ok I guess."
"And what are you least favourites?"
"Oh, I hate Herbology. And Divination, I mean what are we gonna learn from staring into glass balls for half an hour? And I swear that teacher is insane." This made your family chuckle, even your dad.
Your family kept asking your boyfriend random questions; you were glad that your family were finally taking an interest in Draco.
"What's your favourite sweet?" Of course Ron asked this question, he did love food.
"Well I have more of a savoury tooth than sweet, but occasionally I do love a chocolate frog!"
"That's it! I knew I'd forgotten something," you said, reaching into your dressing gown pocket, "I bought you a chocolate frog on the train home when you weren't looking."
"Aww thank you gorgeous!" He looked genuinely excited, unwrapping the frog and taking a big bite. Your father laughed and said, "Draco you've got chocolate on your nose."
You all chuckle and you wipe it off for him.
"I think we're gonna go up now," Bill said, him and Fleur getting up from the sofa and heading upstairs.
"Good night," they both say in sync.
"I'm gonna to bed now too," said Ron sleepily. He slowly trudged up the stairs, he looked very very tired. You laughed as he tripped going up, it seemed like he'd fallen asleep walking to his room.
So now it was just you, Draco and your parents left in the living room. You and Draco cuddled up under your favourite blanket. You'd had it since your 2nd birthday and you've taken it everywhere since.
"Well we're gonna go to bed too now, will you to be ok down here by yourselves?" Your dad said.
"We'll be fine, Mr Weasley."
"Goodnight Mum. Goodnight Dad"
"Goodnight love," your mum said on behalf of both of them.

You and Draco talked for about 2 hours, just about random crap. Like about who they thought was gonna win the Quidditch World Cup. And whether Professor Mcgonogall could speak cat. And how tall they thought Hagrid actually was.

Draco's P.O.V
It was now about 2am and I noticed that (y/n) had fallen asleep on me. I slowly got up, trying not to wake her. But she was a very heavy sleeper, so really I could've thrown her onto the floor and she still wouldn't have woken up. Anyway, I got her blanket and wrapped it around her. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and said, "goodnight beautiful. I love you."
I know she didn't hear me say 'I love you' but she would soon. Because I did love her. I loved her with all my heart.
I crept up the stairs and walked into my girlfriends' bedroom, gently closing the door behind me.

Sorry I didn't upload this during the day, I was out and so didn't have time.
I also won't be uploading at all tomorrow because I'm out with family and friends all day and so won't get a chance to write or upload.
Sorry if this caused inconvenience to any of you :)

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