The Ring

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The ring will be explained :p
You and Ron opened the door together, and it was Harry and Hermione. "Happy birthday you guys!" They both said before embracing you and Ron into a tight hug. You thanked them for their gifts and took them to open later. Your other friends arrived not long after: Neville and Luna, then Katie, Angelina and Lee, and finally Dean and Seamus. You all talked for a while before you went outside into the garden to play a small game of Quidditch. Neville, Luna and Hermione watched because they didn't play. On one team was you, George, Ginny, Harry and Katie. The other team was Ron, Fred, Angelina, Lee and your oldest brother Bill stepped in to make both teams have 5 players. You played with no beaters or bludgers as there wasn't enough people.

After 20 minutes in the air, your team had caught the snitch. Everyone then went inside for some food. Your mum had been cooking all day, and there was so much food on the table. Loads of sweets, cakes and savoury treats. Every crumb of food was eaten. Then everyone decided to play a game of hide and seek (yes you were a very childish bunch😂).

A few hours passed and you and your friends watched a film. Mean Girls! As Hermione was a muggleborn, she recommended the film. (I know Hermione isn't the kinda person to be watching Mean Girls but just go with it😂) Of course you had no idea what was going on; they were doing nothing by magic! You had to ask what a lot of things were but eventually you understood it a bit.

"Ahem," George coughed, looking at Fred, then at Draco. They all nodded at eachother, then Fred and George said, "excuse us for a minute." They climbed off the sofa and went into the kitchen. "I have to go too," said Draco, giving you a kiss on the cheek and going after Fred and George. What were they doing?

You heard pots and pans clanging and banging in the kitchen, then the back door slammed shut. Why were they all doing outside?

Your brothers and your boyfriend had been outside for a good 30 minutes now, and you were becoming more and more curious to what they were doing. But that curiosity didn't last long because the back door opened and all three boys rushed into the living room. "Would you all like to step outside. We have a surprise for the birthday twins!" Draco said. Wait...a surprise? Everyone got up and made their way outside. You grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around yourself to keep warm. When you walks outside, Draco hugged you because he knew you got cold very easily. "Ron and (y/n), we present you...Weasley's Wizard Wheezes very own firework display!" Fred and George said.
A firework display! You loved fireworks! Suddenly they started.! There was so many colours and sparkles in the night sky. The show was coming to an end, and the very last fireworks spelled out 'Happy Birthday (y/n) and Ron'. Everyone clapped and cheered. George, Draco and Fred bowed, causing everyone to giggle.
"Was this your idea?" You asked Draco.
"Maybe," he replied and winked.
"Thank you!" You hugged him tightly.

"Everyone inside now, mum's made some hot chocolate for everyone!" Fred said, ushering everyone inside. You also make your way inside, but feel someone grab your arm and pull you back outside. It was Draco. "I still have one more surprise for you."
"Oh no, what have you done?" You joke. He pulls you back to the spot where you watched the fireworks. "Wait here love," he spoke as he walked over to a pile of...more fireworks?? Was he doing another display just for you?!
You smiled to yourself as you imagined the words 'I love you' written across the sky. He'd never said it to you before; sometimes you even wondered if he did love you, or if he was just with you for the fun of it.
Draco came back over and pulled you into a warm embrace. You hugged him back, waiting for your surprise. Then it happened. You heard a loud bang and red sparks were sent flying into the air. Letters began to form in the sky but you couldn't make out what the word said. But the letters soon formed into words that read 'I Love You!'
Your thoughts became reality.
You turns around to see Draco on one knee. Seeing the shocked look on your face, Draco said, "Don't worry I'm not proposing." He chuckled and so did you.
"Then what are you doing on one knee with a ring box in your hands?" You said with a confused tone.
"Well," he said. He opened the ring box to reveal a silver ring (the picture). "It's a promise ring. Obviously we're too young to get married, but this ring symbolises the fact that someday, we will."
When Draco stood up, you hugged him tightly. The ring was gorgeous. He slipped the ring on to your ring finger. It fit perfectly. "Happy birthday (y/n)," he nearly whispered, pulling you into a snog. You enjoyed him warm kiss. You opened your eyes for a split-second, and saw all of your siblings and friends looking at you both from the window. You pulled away, explaining to Draco. You saw Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Angelina, Katie and Neville (aw Neville is so cute THE EMOTIONS) 'awwwwing' and Harry, Ron, Dean and Seamus 'ewwwwing'. But Fred, George and Lee were joking around, making kissy faces and noises. At this moment, you both made your way back inside. When you reached the door, you stopped and said, "I love you too, Draco."

And that's it! I've officially completed my first fanfiction. Thanks for all reading it :)))❤️

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