Happy Birthday!

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The second I opened my eyes I was so excited. Today was mine and Ron's 16th birthday! I woke Draco up. "You do know what time it is," he mumbled, still half asleep. Actually you didn't know what time it was. You looked at the clock...4am. "Oh um, sorry honey. Go back to sleep," you told Draco, but he was already asleep. You chuckled slightly to yourself, snuggled into your blanket and went back to sleep too.

"(Y/N)," you heard someone calling your name. You rolled over to look at your clock...9am. That was a more suitable time to wake up. You sat up in your bed and saw Draco standing next to you, holding something in his hands. Then you remembered...today was your birthday! You jumped out of bed and hugged Draco. You took the present from Draco, it was a small box. You opened it and inside was a silver locket. "It's beautiful."
"Open it," Draco said.
You opened the necklace and inside was a picture of you and Draco, it was moving. The picture was of you and Draco hugging and smiling in your Hogwarts robes, his green and yours red. (Just imagine the moving image of James and Lily Potter, when they hug, it looks somewhat like that)
"Thank you so much!" You hugged Draco again and kissed him. You then ran into your twin brother Ron's room and he was sitting on his bed.
"Happy birthday Ron!"
"Happy birthday (y/n)!"
You and your brother hugged and ran downstairs, Draco walking behind you.
Your whole family were downstairs waiting for you and Ron.
"Happy birthday!!!" They all shouted when they saw you. You and Ron both started at what was in front of you both.
The kitchen and living room were covered in banners, balloons and bunting of all different colours. All of your family were wearing party hats that glowed and changed colour and they all had special wizard party poppers.
They all made the party poppers pop, and you and Ron were covered in confetti. What made these special was that they sang... "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to (y/n) and Ron, happy birthday to you!"
You hugged all of your family. You and Ron then spotted all of the presents later out on the floor and were very eager to open them all. You both sat on the sofa and began to open your presents.
Bill, Fleur, Ginny and Percy all chipped in and bought you a small white owl. "It was hard to find one like this. They were either all too big or too expensive or too vicious or too something or other," said Ginny, "but then we found the perfect one."
You smiled, you loved the owl so much.
"But that owl was over 1000 galleons, so we got you the second-best one," Bill said, causing you to chuckle. But you didn't care, you loved her (it was a girl) just the same.
Fred and George bought you some things from Zonko's Joke Shop. "We hope that you will use all of these things to your best abilities," Fred said. "Don't waste them on silly pranks on silly people. Save them for legendary pranks," George said.
Your parents simply got you a new book (you hardly ever read, but when you did, you would finish the whole book at once).

Ron's P.O.V
Bill and Fleur bought me a new rat. After Scabbers...well...turned out to be a death eater, I haven't had a pet. And I really wanted a rat.
Percy got me some sweets from Honeydukes, and so did Ginny.
Fred and George bought me a pair of socks from Gladrags Wizardwear, they scream when they get too smelly.
And Mum and Dad got me food, my favourite :)

Your P.O.V
As you and Ron had special presents for eachother, you saved those until last.
You both had your backs to eachother. You and Ron always did this on your birthdays.
"Okay. On the count of 3 we'll turn around and show eachother our presents," Ron said.
You both whizzed round, and laughed. As happy as you were, you were also shocked. Ron had bought you...a Nimbus 2002! How funny, you'd both bought eachother the same present.
"Well, they say great minds think alike," Fred said.
"And I think that mostly applies to twins," George said. You and Ron both laughed. So did Fred and George.
"Thank you Ron!"
"Thank you (y/n)!"

If your wondering where the Weasley's got all the money for this, it will all be explained in the next part :p

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