Hogsmeade (part 3)

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You decided that the best place to leave the broom was with your parents. "But where are they?" Neville asked.
"They always just sit in Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, drink tea and eat cake," you said.

As you was walking towards the Tea Shop, Draco said, "should we have a pot of tea in the shop, (y/n)?"
"Yeah ok, but what will you do Neville?"
"What do you mean?" Neville asked.
"Well, this tea shop is kind of, you know, where people go on dates, and well, not being rude, but you don't have a date."
"Oh...well there's you and Draco, Harry and Ginny, it's obvious that Ron and Hermione have been sneaking around together..."
"So that just leaves you and Luna."
"I mean, Luna is very pretty," Neville began, "and she is very nice. I mean, I do have a bit of a crush on her..."
"Go for it Neville! What have you got to lose?" Draco said.
"Um...ok. I'll do it."

So you all walked into Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop and found Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione already there. Luckily, before noticing you'd arrived, Ron got up to to the toilet. You quickly ran over to your parents and explained the situation. "Of course I'll look after the broom for you love! Give it here and I'll hide it under the table.," your mum said.
"Thanks mum."

You and your friends all sat at a table. Ron came back from the loo and said hello. All the couples sat opposite eachother and you were sitting next to Neville and Hermione; meaning that Draco was next to Luna and Ron.
You and Draco shared a pot of tea and you also shared a cauldron cake. You and Draco chatted for ages and drank a lot of tea. You and Neville probably ate about 3 cakes each; with one of them you had a competition to see who could eat it the quickest.

After a lovely afternoon, you said goodbye to your friends and were preparing to leave Hogsmeade. Suddenly, you turned around and noticed your mum...NOT holding Ron's broom! "Mum, where's the broom?!" You whisper-shouted, not wanting your twin brother to hear.
"Don't worry (y/n), I put a charm on it to make it invisible until we get home. When the spell wears off, you can just hide it under your bed or something."
"Ok thanks mum."

Sorry this chapter is so bad...the next chapter will be much better!
See you all Wednesday ;)

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