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Draco's P.O.V
It was still the day before (y/n) and Ron's birthday. I came inside after an intense chat with Mr Weasley. However, the outcome was amazing. Judging by the look on Mrs Weasley's face as I entered the kitchen, she new it was good news I had been told. I ran upstairs to tell (y/n) the good news.

Your P.O.V
I'd given up on crying. I just wanted him to leave. I couldn't face seeing him one more time. I heard someone running up the stairs and heading for my room. The door swung open. My heart sank as I saw Draco's perfectly framed face come through the door. He sat down next to me on my bed. "Your stuff is over there. Just get it and go," I said.
"I won't be going anywhere for a while, actually," Draco said with a huge smile on his face.
I knew what he meant instantly. My dad was letting him stay, and he was letting us stay together!!! I jumped into Draco's arms and kissed him. At first it was a slow, passionate kiss, but it got faster. And rougher. Draco placed my on my bed and closed the bedroom door...

I forgot to add this to Thursday's upload, so here it is!😊

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