The Dinner

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You, Draco and Ginny made your way downstairs. As you reached the kitchen, your mouth opened wide as you saw the massive range of food spread across the table. And they were all of your favourite foods! Bangers and mash, pumpkin pasties, butterbeer, chocolate frogs, ton-tongue toffee, pumpkin juice, and a few muggle foods too (probably found by your father) like pizza, chips and dairy milk chocolate (my favourite!)
"Wow mum, this is amazing!" You were so shocked that your parents had gone to all this effort.
"It's ok love, just wanted to make you and Draco feel at home," she smiled at you both, knowing you would really appreciate it.
However, this was not the dinner you had in mind. It was almost like two separate family's at one table. And the two groups would only communicate amongst themselves and not to the other group.
At one end of the table was you, Draco, Molly, Ginny and George. And at the other end was Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Percy and Fred. It really made you upset to see your family divided like this. And you could see that it effected Ron too. He just kind of sat in between the two groups. He hadn't eaten hardly anything which really worried you. Making eye contact with your twin brother you mouthed "are you ok?" He suddenly stood up and said, "Mom, Dad. I'd like to say something."
Without waiting for a response from them, he proceeded," I'm really happy that (y/n) is home, but at the same time, it's really painful seeing our family like this. Are you guys really not gonna talk to her because of a boy? I mean, I can't really say much, I haven't had the best relationship with Draco myself, but now he's dating our sister. Your daughter," he said motioning to your parents," And now I see him differently. And to be honest for the past year or two he's been rather nice to us all. He's even starting to be nicer to Harry and Hermione! I hate seeing the family like this. We're all really close and this shouldn't tear us apart. I think we should accept the fact that (y/n) is Draco's girlfriend and he is her boyfriend. And...deep down...I think Draco is actually a really nice guy. And I'd really like to get to know him...and I think the rest of you should too."
I was really touched by Ron's speech, and I knew Draco would be too. The rest of my family just looked at Ron, then at Draco, then at me. Finally, your brother Bill spoke, "Listen, I'm really sorry (y/n)...and Draco. We shouldn't have treated you like this, and it's gonna take some time to get used you, but eventually I will and I'll try to get to know you better Draco, since you'll be spending a lot more time round here now."
You were so glad that Bill was ok with Draco now. You were very close to your oldest brother and you looked up to him.
"I agree." Fleur said. Even though Fleur wasn't actually related to you (she was an in-law) you treated her like a real sister. And so you were glad she agreed with Bill.
"I agree too," Percy said. You and Percy didn't really get on as well as the rest of your family, but you know, you still loved him and so you were happy.
"I agree too...nearly," Fred began to speak, "like Ron said, me and Draco aren't exactly best friends, but I promise I won't play anymore pranks on you...wait no I take that back! I promise I'll play LESS pranks on you. I can't go forever not pranking Draco Malfoy!"
Your boyfriend chuckles at this, and so did Fred and George.

Draco's P.O.V
I was really glad the Weasley's were giving me a chance. They actually seemed like really nice people. Well, all except her Dad. He seemed very...protective. But then again, which father isn't protective over their daughter? Still, he kind of frightened me. And he still hadn't said anything about my relationship with (y/n) so it was clear he still wasn't onboard with it. "Dad, are you not gonna say anything?" (Y/n) said, I could tell she was slightly mad at her father.
"Yes I am (y/n). Ginny, can you pass me a pasty please?"
Everyone looked at Arthur Wow. Even you were shocked at this. He must've really hated you. But what else could you do?
Your P.O.V
You just couldn't deal with this anymore. Everyone else was being civil but him. You stormed out of the kitchen and ran upstairs to your room, slamming the door behind you. Your mum Molly glared at your dad, "You had to do it didn't you. You had to go too far."
"Thank you for this lovely food, Mrs Weasley, but I think I'm gonna go and see if (y/n) is OK," Draco said, getting up from the table.
"No Draco, I think I should go," Arthur rose from his chair,"I'm the one who made her upset so I'm the one that should apologise to her." With true regret in his eyes, Arthur walked upstairs to check on you.

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