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Draco's P.O.V
It was about 7pm now and I was still upstairs in (y/n)'s bedroom, crying. Fred and George went downstairs and told everyone that I wasn't feeling well and that I wanted to be left alone for a bit. Of course, Molly tried to come and take my temperature and give me some medicine, but Fred and George stopped her. After all, I didn't need another person seeing me crying.
"Dinner everyone!" Molly shouted so the whole house heard.
I didn't know if I should go down or just pretend I was asleep. I decided to go down to dinner because I wanted to try and get Mr Weasley to like me, even though there really was no point.

I ended up sitting with Fred and George. They were the only ones that knew what was going on with me. And I didn't want to sit with (y/n) was just too upsetting.

Your P.O.V
You was confused to why Draco didn't sit with you. Was he angry with you? Was it a prank? You didn't question him about it though, you just left him to it. As always your mum's food was delicious.
"So Draco," your dad began, "what did your parents think of you going out with...a Weasley girl?"
"Oh, well, my mother was actually very excited that I had a girlfriend. She didn't mind that it was (y/n) at all. But my father on the other hand, well, he hasn't really spoken to me since I told him. He used to send a an owl once a week at school, but I haven't got one from him for about 8 months. But mother still sends me regular owls. And she sometimes sends (y/n) owls too which is nice of her."
"Well, I'm sorry about that Draco."
"What do you want to work as Draco when you leave Hogwarts?" Percy asked. It was one of the only times he'd spoken to Draco since he got here.
"I'd like to work in the ministry. Something to do with the law."
"What about you lot?" Percy gestured to his younger siblings.
"We want to run a joke shop."
"I want to be an auror."
"I want to play for the Hollyhead Harpies."
You new exactly what you wanted to be when you were older. Ever since you were really little, you've always shown a great liking towards Transfiguration. When you went to Hogwarts, you shot up to the best in your year. "I'd love to teach Transfiguration at Hogwarts," you said.

After dinner, Draco went back upstairs. He was definitely avoiding you. But why? You went upstairs to talk to him. Fred and George tried to stop you but you wouldn't listen to them. As you pushed the door open you said, "why are you avoiding me?!"
But when you saw Draco you felt awful for shouting. He was sitting on the bed crying his eyes out. When he saw you he just cried even more. "Draco? What's wrong?" You sat down next to him but he jumped up and sat on the chair across the room.
"Why are you avoiding me?!" You began to get a bit angry with Draco,"you didn't sit with me at dinner, you haven't spoken to me at all since we got home and even when we were at Hogsmeade you hardly talked to me!! I think you even talked more to Harry than you did to me!"
Surprisingly, Draco didn't retaliate and insult you or anything, he simply got up from the chair and left the room.

You stormed out of your bedroom and went to look for Draco. You stomped downstairs and asked your family where he's gone. "He's in the garden love," your mum said. "But (y/n)," your mum carried on, "don't get angry with him. Don't shout. He looked very upset, and I know why. He's really upset so just...just go easy on him."
Confused, you went outside and found Draco sitting on the floor holding an envelope, just staring into the distance. You sat down next to him, but this time instead of jumping up, he let you sit.
"Came just now," he said.
"Who's it from?" You said gesturing to the letter.
Draco didn't speak, he just handed you the envelope. You opened the letter and read it:
I told you that if you went to stay with the Weasley's that you would be punished. And as you disobeyed me, and because you are mixing with such filth, you are banished from Malfoy Manor. How dare you mix with them. They're a disgrace to the Wizarding World, and to be dating one of them?! That's just shameful. Your mother pleaded me to let you stay, but you've left me no choice. I gave you a chance to break up with the filthy redhead, but you wouldn't. Your mother will bring your stuff to you tomorrow.
Send your mother an owl when you find a place to stay.
Lucius Malfoy

You were shocked. How could someone do that to their own son? "That's a bit extreme don't you think?" I said.
"That's dad."
You hugged Draco and he hugged you back. But then you realised something.
"But Draco, if you only got that letter now, why have you been avoiding me all day? It can't be because of your dad because you only just found out about that."
"Oh yeah," he started to sob.
"What is it Draco? You can tell me."
"Well, today's the last night...the last night we're allowed to be together."
"What?" You said in confusion. But then you remembered. You remembered what your dad had said.
A single tear rolled down your cheek. As much as you believed in Draco, what if your dad still didn't like him?
"I'm sure he'll let us stay together." But you weren't sure, and Draco knew that you weren't. You kissed Draco passionately, knowing it might be your last. As you pulled away, you saw his beautiful face. You cried in his arms, and he did the same.

Then, you saw your dad approaching you and Draco. "(y/n), can I have a word with Draco?"
You didn't say anything. You just got up and ran up to your room.

Draco's P.O.V
This was it. He was gonna tell me that I couldn't be (y/n)'s boyfriend and that I would have to leave The Burrow immediately. Arthur say down next to me which I wasn't expecting him to do. "I know what your thinking Draco. You think that I'm gonna tell you to leave. And to be honest I thought i was going to too. But then I realised something. I've always thought that all Wizarding families should be treated equally, regardless of their blood status, race, surname or anything. So why should I stop you from seeing (y/n) just because you're part of the Malfoy family? It would go against everything I've ever believed. Besides, you're a lovely, intelligent, handsome boy with a great future ahead of you. And I think that your more that good enough for any child of mine."
Wow. He liked me. HE ACTUALLY LIKED ME. I was overwhelmed with excitement and happiness. A big smile appeared on my face, something that rarely happened, yet it was becoming more common recently. "So your not kicking me out?!
"Actually, I'm doing quite the opposite. I heard about the owl from your father," that big smile now changed into a big frown. "Oh yeah, my mum will be-" I was cut off by Mr Weasley.
"Yes, yes I know all about the arrangements with your parents. I'm really sorry about your father Draco. But I was wondering if you would like to stay here?"
The big frown changed back into a big smile. Stunned at his offer, I replied, "I- I'd love to, Mr Weasley."
"Oh please, call me Arthur." He smiled at me, then got up after I said a massive thank you to him.
"One more thing Draco," he said.
"Yes Mr Weasley...I mean Arthur," we chuckled.
"Welcome to the family."

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