Floo Powder

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You woke up to the smell of food. Ron's favourite. You must've fallen asleep on the sofa last night, because when you opened your eyes, Fred and George were sitting next to you. Your mum and Ginny were in the kitchen, and everyone else was still in bed.
"Morning (y/n)!" The twins said.
"Morning guys," you said, wandering into the kitchen.
"Morning mum. Hi Ginny."
"Morning (y/n)."
"Good morning love. Are blueberry pancakes ok for breakfast?"
"Lovely mum," you loved pancakes and so did Draco.
Speaking of Draco, you felt someone hug you from behind. You turned around and kissed Draco. "Morning babe," you said pulling away.
"Morning love. Morning Mrs Weasley. Hello Ginny."
"Good morning my love," your mum said to Draco.
"Hi Draco," Ginny replied.

Once all of your family was awake, everyone sat down to eat breakfast together. As always, Ron ate about 10 pancakes, Fred and George had a good fight, and Percy took his food up to his room. You hated it when Percy distanced himself from your family. "So how is everyone this morning?" Your dad asked.
"Great dad," all the Weasley children (including Fleur) said.
"Draco?" Arthur said.
"Good thank you, Mr Weasley. You?"
Surprised at how polite Draco was being, your father replied, "I'm very well thank you Draco." They both smiled.
It felt weird at first. That your boyfriend and dad were being nice to each other. But you'd get used to it. After all it's much better than them not getting a long at all.

After breakfast you went to get dressed. Today you and your family were going to Hogsmeade; your parents and siblings were going to buy your birthday presents. You were also meeting a few of your best friends: Harry, Hermione, Luna and Neville. You were a bit nervous because today they were meeting Draco for the first time. You knew that none of your friends would approve of him, but they insisted on meeting him. Your best friend Neville had wanted to meet him for ages. He said that he wanted to make sure he was good enough for you. You and Neville had always been friends, even before you both went to Hogwarts. Your parents were best friends and so you and Neville grew up together and have always been best friends.

You were packing your bag and getting ready to leave. You begged Draco to be on his best behaviour today...not only was he meeting your friends today, but this was the only day he had to impress your dad. You believed in Draco, even though he didn't believe in himself. Everyone gathered round the fireplace (you were travelling by floo powder) and you took a handful of powder from your mum. You stepped into the chimney and shouted, "HOGSMEADE!"

I'm back!!
I've decided that uploading everyday is too much for me, so I've decided to start uploading every other day.
So as I've uploaded today (Tuesday) I'll be next uploading on Thursday.
Sorry this chapter is a bit short, but I hope you like it!
The next update will be a lot longer because I will have had nearly 2 days to write it.

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