Shock, Anger and Sadness

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Your whole family stood there, mouths open wide. All except Ron, who looked like he was gonna kill you both right on the spot.
"Um...hello Draco," your mother managed to sputter out. She wasn't as excited anymore, to your delight.
"(Y/n) could me and your mother have a word please," Arthur said,"in private," his eyes now on Draco.
Turning towards your boyfriend, you said,"maybe you could wait upstairs in my room. Second door on your left." You gave him a kiss on the forehead before heading into the kitchen with your parents. As Draco tried to carry both of your large trunks up the stairs at once, you heard someone say, "I'll take one up for you." To your surprise, you spin around to see George carrying your trunk upstairs. "Thank you" you mouthed to him, and he gave you a smile back.

Draco P.O.V
I don't think I'd ever felt so unwelcome somewhere before. They all hated me. But it was really nice of George to help me with the trunks. "Thanks for helping," I told George as we both reached the bedroom. "It's ok. But I just want you to know, if you hurt my little sister you'll really wish you didn't. Now, before I let you leave this room, I need to hear you say you won't break her heart." This was a side to George I'd never seen before. At school he was always happy and joking around. But now he was dead serious. And I guess I knew why. Why wouldn't he be protective over his sister? Especially when I'm her boyfriend. Me. A Malfoy. The Weasley's sworn enemies.
"George. Your sister is the most beautiful, funny and kind-hearted girl I've ever met. She always brings out the best in me. Whenever I'm around her, I feel like a different person. So why would I hurt someone I...someone I love?"
George smile at me, something he'd never done before. "You love her?"
"Yes I do. I really really do. But I've never said it to her before, so please. Please don't tell her I said it," you asked George," I have a surprise for her birthday (which was in one day) and I was gonna say it to her then."
"Don't worry, I won't say a word. Anyway, I guess there's only one more thing to say..."
Oh no, what was George gonna say now? He's probably insult you or something, but you knew you had it coming sooner or later.
"Welcome to the family!" George said, holding out his hand for a handshake.
What?! Did George Weasley just welcome you to his family?! Stunned, you shook his hand and smiled.

Your P.O.V
You was expecting this the minute you walked through the door with Draco. Your parents were about to shout at you for dating him.
"What do you think your doing! Bringing a Malfoy into this home!" Your dad shouted, started the rant. Your mother following,"why would you want to even be seen with such a disgrace?!"
You could feel yourself getting angry. "Firstly, Dad, you was the one that wanted me to bring him here, I just wanted to stay at school like we usually do. Secondly mum," you raised your voice slightly," how dare you call my boyfriend a disgrace! I knew you would both do this, judge him the minute he came in. Not even caring about mine or his feelings. You know what he said to me on the way here? He said he was actually excited to stay here. He said he wanted to apologise for how terrible him and his family treat you all. But really your the ones treated him terribly! And I know he's been really rude to us all in the past, but trust me he's changed. I wouldn't be with him if he still traumatised us. Be honest, have you heard nearly as many complaints from us about Draco this year? No. Because he's actually made an effort to be nice to the lot of you. So why can't you just do the same? Give him a chance and make an effort to like him."
You'd never shouted at your parents before, and really you were shocked that you had. And so were they by the looks on their faces. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Ginny, Ron, Fred, Bill, Fleur and Percy listening in on the argument. But you let them, you didn't care if they listened or not. All you cared about now is getting your parents to like Draco.
"Sweetheart, we're sorry. It's just that we're a little...shocked. That's all. I mean, of course you could do better," you raised your eyebrows at your mum, quite disgusted that she is still putting Draco down,"What your mother meant was that we wouldn't have picked him out of all the boys in your year." Your parents still wasn't coming off any better.
"You know what? You don't have to like him. You just have to realise that I do and that I'm not just gonna throw our relationship down the drain just because you two don't like him. I'll be waiting upstairs with Draco for you both come and apologise to us."
You stormed of upstairs, glaring at your siblings as you pass them by. "So they like him then?" Fred joked.
"Piss off Fred," you weren't in the mood for jokes at the moment.

I'm really happy with the way this story is going at the moment, and I'm excited to see where it will go.
Just realised how corny that sounded😬😂
I'll upload the next part again tomorrow😜

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