Hogsmeade (part 2)

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You and your friends all walked back to Zonko's joke shop to meet Ginny, Draco and Ron. Fred and George we're showing them something in a bag. You tried to get a peak, but they saw you and yanked the bag away.

You then all walked to Honeydukes: your favourite shop in Hogsmeade. As it was nearly Christmas, you decided to buy all of your siblings sweets for presents. You bought:
Bill some Chocolate Frogs and blood-flavoured lolly pops
Fleur some Fudge Flies and a cockroach cluster
Charlie some Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and a cauldron cake (you would send them to him)
Percy only got a Chocolate Wand because he didn't really like chocolate or sweets. But also because he'd been really rude and distant to you and the rest of your family lately.
You got Fred some Pepper Imps, Glacial Snow Flakes and Exploding Bon Bons.
George some No-Melt Ice Cream, Salt Water Taffy and and a Peppermint Toad.
Ginny some Pumpkin Pasties and Drooble's Best Blowing Gum.
And you just bought Draco some chocolate frogs because he didn't really like sweets, but he LOVED chocolate frogs.

Ron didn't get anything from Honeydukes because you was getting him a special present. You and Ron were twins and tomorrow was both of your 16th birthdays. And so you were getting Ron a new broom. He was the Gryffindor keeper and you were one of the chasers. Fred and George were the beaters, Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson were the other two chasers and Harry was the seeker. You were also reserve seeker. It was Fred, George, Katie and Angelina's last year at Hogwarts and so next year you would pretty much have a whole new team.

Hermione, Neville and Harry bought some things from Honeydukes. After this you all separated: Ron, Hermione and Luna went off to Olivanders (Luna needed a new wand), you, Draco and Neville went to Spintwitches Sporting Needs to get Ron's broom and Harry and Ginny just said they were going for a walk. "More like a snog in the shrieking shack," you said, Draco and Neville laughed at your comment.

"What kind of broom are you getting Ron?" Neville asked.
"I'm not sure yet. I'll have a look when we get there."
When you reached the shop, you found it very hard to pick the right broom. If Ron was a keeper, he would need a sturdy broom, but at the same time it would need to be very quick.
"What about a Nimbus 2002? They're new in stock."
"Perfect Draco," you picked up the broom and went to pay for it. The only problem now was how was you gonna keep it hidden from Ron?

The next chapter will be 'Hogsmeade (part 3)' and it will be the last part in the Hogsmeade trilogy😂
Next part will be up Monday :)))

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