Please Forgive Me

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You heard a soft knock on your bedroom door. Expecting it to be Draco, you said, "come in baby." However as the door opened you realised you just called your dad 'baby'. "Oh um...sorry dad. I thought it was Draco," you were so embarrassed. It was like calling Draco...daddy. Well being honest you did that quite often ;)
Anyway, your dad came and sat next to you in your bed, "(y/n) I'm so sorry I did that downstairs. I was really out of order. Can we move on from this now?"
"No," you said to your dad. You weren't just gonna forget about what he did.
"Listen (y/n), I'm not gonna lie to you...I really don't like the idea of you dating Draco Malfoy."
"I hope your going somewhere with this Dad, because if your not them I'm gonna leave the room," you could feel yourself getting slightly angry now.
"No (y/n) please listen to me. Just because I'm not ok with it now, it doesn't mean I can't get used to it. Now, I'm giving him one day. One day to impress me, to show me that he's good enough for you. If I like what I see, you can date him. But if I don't, and I'm really sorry, but I won't let you see him anymore. Do I make myself clear?" Your dad said.
"You know, I might just run away with Draco. Then you wouldn't have to get along with him."
Your dad looked like he'd just seen a ghost; pale with fear. Laughing you say, "Dad! Don't be silly! Of course I'm not gonna run away, I would be stupid to leave this family!"
"Love you pumpkin," your dad said leaving the room.
"Love you too Dad."
Now, Draco has to impress your dad, or you won't be able to see eachother anymore. How's that gonna go?

I'll probably upload tomorrow at least once😋

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