You're fat!(J3t×CS) fluff

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Sup guys, I wrote another oneshot. Again a shipping with Charlie idk why I always take him.
Anyway this oneshot is a funnier one, cause I wrote this on my working place and was in a funny mood while I wrote it. My workmate walked by and read 'George' on my phone and asked me 'Who are you texting?Who's George? Is that your new boyfriend?'. I told him that I'm not texting anyone and that I don't have a boyfriend, but he didn't care. Now he's running around and singing "Who's George? It's the Boyfriend of Melice." XD

Sorry for the long author's note.
I'll shut up now...



George's p.o.v.

It's 5 p.m..
I'm watching tv and I'm about to open my second beer as my phone starts to buzz. Jordon sent me a text message:

'Sup Georgie? R U @ home?'

I sigh and reply with
and hope he wont come over, cause I'm pretty tired and feeling a little down today.

'Kay I'm on my way'


'I'm tired Jord'

'Oh c'mon, I got pizza.. ;)'

Jordon's p.o.v.

I'm bored. I wanna hang out with my best friend, but it seems like he doesn't want me to come over. That kinda hurts. I know that it's not about me. He's just in a bad mood.
Well, this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
'Cause we need a little, controversy
'Cause it feels so empty, without me.
Hahaha sorry
Anyways, now it's time for my secret weapon....

'C'mon, I got pizza..;)'

He replies immediantly with


Hahahaha this always works.

I walk over to George's house and ring the doorbell.
I hear him screaming "PIZZZAAA!" while he walks to the door. I start to grin like an idiot. He's so cute.
He opens the door.

"Hey Jord"


I walk in and sit on the couch. George brings me a beer and sits next to me. I open the pizzabox and we start to eat.

"Thanks man, I'm starving." he says while he bites into a big slice of peperonipizza.

I chuckle a little and reply:

"Don't worrie, you're not gonna starve that fast."

He looks at kinda pissed at me and says:

"Says you? You're fatter than me."

"No I'm not! You're fatter!"

We start to fun-fight each other. I climb on top of him and try to hold his wrists tightly, but he tries to free himself, wich causes us to fall off the couch. Now he's on top of me and pins me to the ground. I try to throw him off my body but he's stronger than me.

"Say that your fatter!"he demands.

"Okay, okay you won, I'm fatter. Now get off me!" I mumble.

"Hhhm... let me think about it... No. It's pretty comfy on here."he laughs.

I look at him with my 'seriously dude?'-face. He laughs more.
Then he looks straight in my eyes with a serious face. I look back. Damn his eyes are beautiful. He looks down at my lips and back to my eyes. He slowly lowers his head until our faces are only inches apart. I start to breath heavyly. I close the gap and kiss him softly on his lips. He runs his hand through my short hair and kisses back hungrily. I break the kiss to speak:

"G-george? I th-think I'm in love with you.."

He smiles happily and replies:
"I love you, too."

We start making out on the floor. He wispers "You're not fat, you're damn hot" in my ear. I blush. He kisses down my neck and I wisper " You're not fat either, you're the hottest guy I ever saw." He blushes at the compliment and gets up he carries me bridal style into his bedroom.....

The fucking end

Here you got some of my favourite pictures of them. Just look at all this cuteness *-*

 Just look at all this cuteness *-*

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