Outside (DM×J3T)fluff

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So this one is for AiriaMurillo

I hope you like it...

If you guys want a one shot with you favourite ship, just write a comment: wich ship and fluff or smut, and I'll write as soon as possible.

Now, Enjoyy....


Time skip to 2012

The boys from HU are all sleeping peacefully. All, but Danny.
Danny can't fall asleep. He just tosses ans turns around in his bed, desperately trying to sleep. He eventually looks at the clock. It says " 3.04 a.m.". He sighs and gets up. He takes a shirt from the floor and puts it on, since he sleeps shirtless. He grabs his cigarettes and a lighter and heads to the kitchen. He opens the door to the kitchen-balcony and gets outside. He sits down on the ground and lights up a cigarette. He takes a drag and exhales the smoke slowy. He looks at the skyline from LA and tries to clear his mind, to think about nothing, but there's one thing on his mind he just can't get out. George Ragan a.k.a. Johnny3Tears. Danny is in love with him since he joined the band. He can't stop thinking about him. His smile, his laugh, his eyes, his perfect shaped body and his voice. Danny shakes his head and a tear rolls down his cheek.

'No! He doesn't love me. He's not gay. Why should he want me?! I'm nothing but a untalented fag.' He thinks and more tears roll down his cheeks.

Meanwhile in J3T's room:

Some noise in the bathroom wakes up George. He groans and looks at the clock. He groans more as he sees what time it is. He slowly gets up and walks to the bathroom. Jorel is sitting on the bathroom floor and holds his foot in pain.
"J? What the fuck happened?" George whispers.

"I hit my foot. Ah! Fuck!" He explains rubbing his right foot.

"Can you walk?"George asks.

"I don't know...." Jorel replies and tries to get up. George helps him back into his bedroom.

"Jorel?"the Italian's boyfriend asks confused.

"Go back to sleep Jordy" Jorel says lovingly and kisses his cheek. He mouths 'thank you' to George and lies in Jordon's arms. George walks out of Jordon and Jorel's room. He decides to go downstairs to drink some water. He walks into the kitchen and sees the open door.

'Who left the door open?'

He slowly steps closer to the open door and sees Danny sitting on the balcony. He stays silent and watches him.

"Who left me outside?" Danny sings silent, but loud enough for George to hear.
"I'm on my knees and I'm hoping,
That someone holds me tonight.
Hold me tonight..."

"Danny?"George asks as he steps on the balcony.

Danny jumps a bit, sobs and wipes away his tears while he says:
"George, I-I was just.. smoking.."

"Don't lie to me Danny. I see you've been crying." George replies.

"I'm sorry. Just forget what you saw, I go back to bed..." Danny says and gets up.

"No! Please Danny, don't go. What's wrong?" the taller males asks worried.

"I.., It doesn't matters."Danny says.

"Danny please, you know you can tell me everything. Talk to me."George begs.

Danny sighs and leans against the railing, his back facing George. He let's his head hang down loosely and takes a deep breath.

"Can you promise me, that what I'm gonna tell you won't ruin our friendship? Please, promise me that you won't hate me." He asks scared.

"I will never hate you Danny. Just tell me." The Irish man promises.

Danny turns towards his crush and admits:
"I'm in love with you. I love you since we first met. And I lie awake every night and think about you. And it kills me inside to keep this secret. And I hope so hard that this feelings just leave and you won't hate me."

George looks shocked at him. He takes a breath to speak up, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Please say something." Danny begs, tears running down his face again.

George stares at him for a few more seconds. Then he walks up to him and kisses him passionately. Danny immediately kisses back. He brings his hands up to the taller males neck. George wraps his arms around Danny's waist and pulls him closer to him. He breaks the kiss and whispers:
"I love you too. And I'll hold you tonight."

Danny blushes and presses his face against George's chest. George hugs him tightly and rubs his back. Eventually they part from the hug and sit down on the ground. George takes Danny into his arms and asks:
"So what were you singing before? A new song idea?"

"Yeah, maybe.." Danny replies.

"Sing it again please." George begs.

Danny smiles and sings silently:
"Someone left the door open,
Who left me outside?

I'm bent I'm not broken,
Come live in my life.

All the words left unspoken,
Are the pages I write.

On my knees and I'm hoping,
That someone holds me tonight,
Hold me tonight."

George kisses his cheek and they just stay on the balcony and cuddle the rest of the evening/morning.

~The fucking end

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