Finally! (DK×FM)fluff

408 26 16

This one is for Elisa-kun..
I hope you like it..

Anybody else a request?



Matt's p.o.v.

The bell rings and I walk into my class. I sit as far away from the teacher as possible. I sit down and see my crush walking into the room. I look at him, but he doesn't look back. Of course not. He probably doesn't even know that I exist. He walks into my direction and eventually looks at me.
"Hi Matt" he says. I blush. He does know that I exist!
"Hi Dylan" I reply and try to stay cool and hide my blush. He sits on the table in fort of me.
"When do you finally ask him out kurlzz?" Danny, my best friend asks while he leans his body on my back.
"Shut up!"I beg, afraid that my crush heard it.
"He can't hear me whispering. So are you?" Danny defends.
"No. I can't. What if he says no?" I ask my friend.
"He won't. Come on. You're crushing on him for centuries. You'll never find out if you don't try." Danny says.
I sigh.
"I'll ask him after the lesson." I promise.
"Good boy" Danny cheers and sits on the table next to mine.
The teacher walks in and tries to make us shut up. Poor man. He has no chance against us. Besides the students in the front rows, nobody listens to him. I hate myself for not listening to him neither, but who wants to be a teacher's pet, right? I draw some random stuff into my notebook and talk to Danny. The lesson ended way faster than I wanted it to. My heart beats faster and my stomach hurts.
"I don't wanna do this" I tell Danny.
"C'mon you promised me you do it. I know it's hard, but look at me and J. I dared to ask him, and we're celebrating our 6 month anniversary tomorrow. Don't be so shy."
I sigh and get up. Dylan is already about to leave his table.
"Uh Dylan?"I say with a weak voice.
"I-I.. Uh.. I.." I stutter. Damn! I can't do it. Sorry Danny... "can you give me a paper sheet?" I finish. I hate myself.
"Uh sure." he says and gives me the paper."Isn't there something else you wanted to ask me?"he asks.
"Uh.. I-I.. n-no.." I stutter. He sighes and says almost unhearable :"When are you finally gonna ask me out kurlzz?"
I stare at him. Did he really just said that?? I must have misheard.
"What?"I ask.
He chuckles and replies:
"I'm not deaf, fool. I did hear what Danny said today, and I actually suggested it anyways."
I blush.
"D-Does that m-mean..?"I start to ask, until I suddenly get interrupted by his soft lips smashing on mine. He pushes me against the wall and kisses me hungrily. I'm so shocked that I first can't react. But he keeps on kissing me. I realise what just happened and kiss back. I put my hands on his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. He licks my lips asking for entrance. I open my mouth and let his tongue slide in. We fight for dominace. I feel like a billion butterflies are swirling around in my stomach. I hear Danny shouting:
"FINALLY!!" and someone else shouts:"GET A ROOM!"
I break the kiss to take a breath, and can't hold back a chuckle. I look into Dylan eyes and he looks in mine.
"So?"he asks with a smirk.
I sigh and reply:
"Do you wanna go out with me?"
He smiles happily and replies:
I stare at him. Whaaat??!
Tears are filling my eyes. I look at the floor. I put my hands on his chest and try to push me out of his arms, but he holds me too tightly. He puts his hand on my chin and makes me look at him again.
"I don't wanna go out with you,"
A Tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it away and continues:
"I want more... I wanna be your boyfriend.."
More tears roll down my cheeks.
"I want that too" I whisper. He smiles an kisses my nose. I hug him tightly.
"Awwwwwweeee!!" Danny cheers in the background.
I laugh and Dylan and I part from the hug. Danny walks towards me and says:
"See? Told ya!"
We laugh. Then my Boyfriend takes my hand and we walk out of the classroom.
Danny's boyfriend waits in the corridor. They kiss and Jorel asks:
"Hey babe, where have you been? We have lunch-break since 10 minutes.. "

"Matt and Dylan finally got together!" Danny cheers.
"Finally!"Jorel cheers.
We all laugh and go to the cafeteria.

~The fucking end!

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