Bridal style (DM×JD) fluff

777 37 45

Sup guys,
I wrote another one shot.
So, this is my favourite pairing..



I'll shut up now....



Jorel's p.o.v.

The guys from HU and I are in Danny's home-studio and work on the new album. It's already 11 p.m. and we all are tired.
So we decide that we worked enough for today and start drinking.

Two hours, three bottles of Jack Daniels, eight beers and two and a half bottles of Vodka later. Dylan, Jordon and my crush Danny are completely drunk. Matt and I are half shit-faced and George is almost sober. Damn it takes a lot to get that guy drunk.

"If ya got Jack in yo cup go raise it uup! If ya ain't got enough go fill it uup!" Dylan slurr-screams raising a half full bottle of Jack Daniels in the air.

"Well, I think you had enough, Dilly" George chuckles and takes the bottle out of the mexicans hand.

"I think I've lost my mind! But I'm feeling so alivee!" Danny slurr-sing-screams. Then he chugs a hole beer at once. Damn, even when he's drunk he's the cutest thing I ever saw.

"Fuck everyone else I'mma party by myself! Do this shit all night, don't need nobody else! Adios bitchachos!" Jordon sings as he dances out of Danny's house.

"I think I should go after him, bye guys." George sais before chasing after Jordon.

"Byeee!" The rest if us shout.

"I think I should bring Dyl home, too. Then you can take care of Danny." Matt sais to me, winks, turns around and is about to leave, but stops and sais" Alone....
Just don't rape him." He laughs. I blush, punch him on his arm and mumble a quiet "shut up". Then he and Dylan leave.
Matt is the only one who knows that I'm in love with Danny.

I look for Danny. He's dancing and singing to a 'New Medicine' song in front of the radio.

"One too many drinks, one to many fights, one too many nights..."

"I think you really had one too many." I say amused.

"I've had one too many, hey! Hey! Cause I've had one too many, hey! Hey! One too many. One too many."He continues singing.

Then he grins at me. Damn his smile is the most beautiful thing in this world.
He takes another gulp of Vodka.

"Go to sleep Danny, you're drunk." I demand.

"Nooo!" He pouts.

"C'mon Danny-boy." I say and hope he obeys. He thinks a few seconds, then he starts to grin mischievously.

"Carry me" he demans.

"What? No."

"Pleeease J" he says and pouts again.

Why has he has to be so adorable?
I sigh and toss my drunk crush over my shoulder.

"Nooo!!" He whines behind my back.

"What?" I ask him confused.

"Not like that! Bridal style!" He demands.

I shake my head and laugh. I throw him on the couch and start to carry him 'bridal style' into his bedroom. He nuzzels up to my chest and closes his beautiful chocolate eyes. I struggle to get upstairs without falling down.
Gladly I make it.

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