Sick puppy (DM×JD) fluff

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Hi guys, so apparently I got rubeola...
That means I got time to write.
Any requests?

This one shot is Derillo again, cause I'm really into it



"Good morning babe" Danny says as he walks downstairs, towards the couch, his love lies on. He leans down to him for a kiss, but Jorel pushes him gently away. Danny looks hurt at him.
"Did I do something wrong?" The blond asks almost in tears.
"No! No Danny. You're perfect. It's just that I feel sick and I don't want you to be sick too. My head hurts like shit and I only barely slept last night."
"Oh, okay." He says relived and worried the same time. He puts his hand on Jorel's forehead and says:
"I think you got fever babe... I'm gonna get the clinical thermometer.."
Jorel nods and Danny leaves. Jorel puts his hand on his head and notices red spots on his tattooed arms. He slowly gets up, pulls up his shirt and sees the same skin rash on his stomach. Danny comes back with the thermometer and stops a few feet away from Jorel.
"Oh shit!" Danny says.
"What's wrong with me?" Jorel asks worried.
"J, did you ever have rubeola when you were a kid?" Danny asks.
"Uh, no.." Jorel replies.
"Fuck! Lie on the couch. " Danny says.
"Not now Danny, I'm sick" Jorel replies with a smirk.
"You know what I mean" Danny says a bit annoyed. Jorel laughs a bit and groans in pain, as he lies on the couch.
Danny sits next to him and puts the thermometer into the Italian's mouth. He bends down and kisses his forehead.
"Danny what are you doing? You're gonna get sick." Jorel says with the thermometer in his mouth.
"No, I won't. I had it when I was 6" the blonde explains. The thermometer rings and Danny checks the temperature. It says 100,4°F (38°C).
"You got fever babe. I'll bring you some water..." Danny says and walks towards the kitchen. He get's a bottle of water from the fridge and brings it to his boyfriend.
"Thank you" Jorel says and drinks some water.
"You're welcome babe. I'm gonna call the doctor now.." Danny says and dials the number.
"Okay" Jorel replies and drinks more water.
Danny walks to the kitchen for the call. After a while he comes back into the living room.
"And?" Jorel asks.
"I was right, it's rubeola. He can't do anything for you. You need to drink much water, rest and avoid light. If the fever gets worse we need to go to the hospital" He explains.
"Avoid light?" J asks confused.
"Yeah, it's bad for your eyes. It's probably for the best if you stay in our bedroom." Danny suggests.
Jorel nods and gets up. His boyfriend helps him upstairs into their bedroom. Danny closes the curtains and puts a blanked over J.
"If you need something you can text me. I'm gonna make you some breakfast." He says as he puts J's phone next to him.

"Okay thank you" Jorel replies.
Danny kisses him and leaves the bedroom.
After a while he comes back with a tray with orange juice, toast and butter on it. He puts it on J's lap and hands him some painkillers.
"Take one of these with the food. But just ONE. They're strong." Danny says.
"Okay, Thank you." Jorel replies and eats his food. After he's finished Danny brings down the dishes and washes them. His phone buzzes. He checks it, it's Jorel:
'cuddle me, please?'

Danny chuckles and walks upstairs again.
"You were right this painkillers are strong. I feel like I smoked a blut from Dylan." Jorel says with a bright smile.
Danny laughs and replies:
"I'm glad you aren't in pain anymore."

"Yeaahh, Would you now finally cuddle me?"

He laughes at J and get's on the bed next to his sick love and wraps his arm around his shoulder. J cuddles up to him and rests his head on Danny's chest.
"I love you my saving angel"
"I love you too, my sick puppy."


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