H o p e

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A/N: Hey Guys.

This is my new poem I wrote 2 days ago after hearing Idina Menzel's song "I See You" and the lyrics really hit me. The lyrics is so personal because it's about the ones that got a little lost along the way, it's about giving them hope. 

Please don't see the world in black and white...cuz it's not. The world is a big place and there's still so much to discover. Don't be so heavy hearted...relax and open your eyes. There will always be a better tomorrow. 

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)


P.S: Please do check out the video above. 

I lost a love,

I lost my heart,

I lost a smile,

Yet, I haven't

Lost my fight,

Whether you're lonely, or

Just simply a little brokenhearted,

I see you, I want to tell you

That I feel your pain, don't lose hope,

The future is a bright place

Of endless possibilities and chances

You never thought there would be,

You may feel almost forgotten,

 You are in my heart, a candle still

Burning and shining in the dark,

You're the light in the big city,

Showing the lost ones their way back home,

The world seems to be

Black and white, well let

Me tell you that it's not,

It's a beautiful and chaotic place. 

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