R a w & B a r e

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When people leave you, they don't just leave you physically but they leave you feeling vulnerable and even naked. You wear them on your skin, their perfume becomes your perfume, their clothes a part of you and your wardrobe. Every part of them became a part of you and suddenly there was nothing there but you. It's a scary thing to let them go, but when you do- don't hang onto a part they may have left behind. It'll drive you mad.

I felt vulnerable
Raw, bare and
Naked, watching
Him leave to be
With her, so fragile
Lonely to the core
She gave him passion
Freedom to be who he
Could not be while being
With me, I was in his way
To stardom, some only call
Fame, I was nothing but a
Doormat, a hurdle in disguise
A bullet he watched and dodged
I was his one way ticket to hell
He's welcome to her.

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