T h e T r u t h O f W a n t i n g Y o u

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I think I like you
I think I want you
I'm an open book
I spill the truth, no
Questions asked, I
Say whatever comes
To my mind, be blunt
Be honest, be true, I'll
Never lie to you, my
Heart longs for you
I can't help but feel
The need to bring
Attention to myself
To talk to you, to feel
Visible, I can't stop
Thinking about you
No matter what, going
Mad because I could
Never be what you need
I can't give you anything
You thought she could
She tore your heart apart
Ripped it out and watched
It break and bleed in her
Hands, I'm sorry she hurt
You, why hold your feelings
For her still? What she means
To you is not what you mean
To her, just a plot push to get
Over a first love who means
The world to her, if only he
Understood she doesn't know
Real love if she found it, an
Obsession is all he ever was.

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