O p p r e s s i o n

20 5 5

A/N: Hey Guys.

I'm sorry about not posting anything on Saturday, I was out all day. I had to see people and wander around town a bit. I was with my parents all day, we had a good time. Poland was absolutely fantastic, I just got back. 

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)


They don't like my skin colour,

My age is a bad thing too,

I don't act the way I should,

I'm told to grow up, I feel like

A criminal, with an endless list

Of records, my opinions are nothing

But words they have refused to listen to.

Weight is a taboo subject, we don't discuss it

Enough, they look at me

With icy looks, have I offended them in some way?, 

I'm not pretty enough to be a

 Part of my society, I'm lost

In all of the judgment, I feel

The walls close in and my lungs

Suffocating, the criticism is getting

Too much, voicing all these loud

Opinions is making me lose it, people

Are obtuse and back stabbing, they force

False things down your throat, my sadness

Leads to depression, I'm in a downward spiral,

Falling to my end, in the dark and I'm scared,

What has this world come to?, there is not enough

Kindness and too much oppression. We're all heading

To hell if we don't use our mouths well.

The onslaught is an on going war, which we

Can't win with our enemies growing in number,

they're eyes watch us and their minds come up

With new wrongs they wish to do to us, or to say

To us, it's difficult to ignore it all, the noise

Never stops, the lid never comes on, our ears become

Speakers, picking up on everything that's said around us,

The hate is a jagged pill, too hard to swallow, a shadow

Looming over us, we lack the light and refuse to fight.

Deep down in our hearts, we hold the pain and struggle

Through the emotional ride, it takes our breath and knocks

It out of our chest, we cannot get a nap, sleep when necessary,

There is no winning this, we cannot relax or rest. There are

Trials for humanity, some get through them and some don't, the

Challenge lays heavy on their hearts and souls, 

How will they ever become good role models?

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Copyright 2016 @smokeupthe-moon.

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