M u s e u m O f T h e P a s t

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A/N: Hey Guys.

This is a new poem I wrote yesterday with the help of my lovely best friend/sistah Sophie, FetchingPenumbra. She and I were having a conversation about being left behind by friends. We were talking how people chance and don't think before doing something. Then, it became a conversation about memories and regrets. 

This is what we've come up with, I hope you guys like it. If you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :) 


"Memories, silly actions and regrets,

The museum is full of them, this place

Is like a mantra, it'll pull you in and

Mess with your mind, enter and know each

Stage will not be kind. Don't try to run,

There is not a chance of leaving , you

couldn't possibly get far, no matter how fast. 

If you enjoy torture, you'll have a blast."

This is truly a house of

Memories, dark and intoxicating,

The strong souls, suddenly become

Vulnerable, this museum is the history

Of my life, behind one glass is an image,

Of a girl who had to grow up too fast, a

Young girl who thought her innocence would

Last. Down the hallway, behind the glass is

Me, on my knees begging God, to bring me friends,

A floor above, is the pain I've felt and overcome,

In the next one down, are my memories of all the things

I've said and done, I'm not proud of them, they have made

Me a monster, at one time I've unleashed, the beast I've

Hidden well when I was just a child, if you walk down the

Avenue, you'll notice a glass smeared with fresh tears, those

Come from the funerals I've attended, my mind full of demons

Not even I could see, till I fell into the darkness, it's called

Grief, a mixture of sadness, nostalgia, hatred for myself as a whole.

I blame the devil, he takes what makes us pure, he is evil and cruel,

I truly believe that he is a thief. I found a man, he made his way into

My heart, he stole it and tore it apart, I never thought this would happen,

It is the fool in me, the brainless girl who's not so smart.

And thus my simple mind couldn't keep up, thus the world as I

Knew it fell apart, this is a museum of memories, silly actions and

Regrets, it is the place of the past. We do not go there, it's forsaken,

It'll torture your mind, I'm surrounded, regrets of the past, sorrows of

The present and fears of the future, trapped, I stand here all alone, 

Nobody's left to understand.

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