U n a f r a i d

10 3 2

If anyone here feels like they have to appear to others as unafraid, tough and cold, know that you shouldn't have to hide who you are. All of us feel things. Whether that is pain, heartbreak, grief or nothing at all. It's okay to show how you feel, what you feel inside is what makes you HUMAN!

It does NOT make you WEAK!

Sometimes I say to myself
I'm unafraid, but the truth
Is that I'm terrified, I want
To appear fearless, like there

Is nothing I can't lose, nothing
That could break me down and
Nothing to make me choose. And
Nothing to suck the soul out of me

Taking all of my breath away, I must
Look strong, unbeatable, unchallenged
If I'm too emotional, they'll think I'm a
Weak person with a heart soft as a cloud

If I cry, I'm not tough enough, if I break
And have no strength, no power then I'm
Nothing at all.

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Copyright 2017 smokeupthe-moon.

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