U n s o u n d M i n d

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A/N: Hey Guys.

I wrote this new poem recently after watching the "Me, Myself & I" music video. The story behind the song is that G-Eazy had a party thrown by someone in his team, he didn't want nobody with him that night. He wanted to be left alone. This is my version of the music video. 

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)


P.S: I would like to thank my very good friend crazywithoutlove for editing the poem for me, it means a lot. You always understand my vision of how the poem is gonna be like. So thank you my lovely. 

Alone, vulnerable, yet I'm strong

Noises drowned out by my

Tears, music, pleas and fears.

It feels like the Earth is collapsing underneath my feet,

I still walk, even rounding the rough edges,

Trying not to break, putting up a fight,

But I'm tired, want to give up, I'm lonely

Sitting amidst loud voices and laughter,

Picking up the rolled out bottles off the floor,

Swinging it up to my red lips, tasting the last sip,

I feel it gush down my throat, burn and enclose,

A smile is up on my face, I'm awake again 

Heart gallops in my chest, a shift in my

Mood, I needed this; this craziness and peace, 

Eyes close, I need this rest, coolness

So can I watch the lights sparkle on the roof,

And the city come to life at night, beauty I've seen,

This is too much beauty to take in; for eyes,

Locking myself in the bathroom, I pray, only a hope

That someone would listen but nothing happens,

"You signed up for this, all these people, back there came here

For you" a figure that looks exactly like me says, what do they know?,

I never wanted them here in the first place, I just wanted a night for

Myself, "If you weren't you, none of this would happen" an amused voice

Speaks from near the door, my blood boils beneath my skin,

When will they stop?, "Shut up, you know nothing, don't talk

To me like that" I scream, but the many voices won't leave me alone,

I slide down the wall, everything fades

Shattering into million pieces, I surrender

Is there still something I could ask for?

All Rights Reserved 

Copyright 2016 @smokeupthe-moon.

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