S o c i e t y

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A/N: Hey Guys.

This is my new poem I wrote a few days ago. I was thinking of how society runs and how it's been running for a while. Society makes you change because you have to look a certain way and do things as you're told. 

We all know that pretty hurts and that eating habits can be horrible, you eat too much so you have to eat less, until you finally give it up. But for what?, you don't do this just for yourself, you do it for others. To make OTHER PEOPLE happy! 

DON'T do this to yourself! 

Also, just because you DON'T like or you DON'T follow rules doesn't mean that you're a rebel. It just means that you are NOT society's puppet. You do you and others can do the same. We're all HUMAN beings with RIGHTS no one should ever take away from us. 

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)



I'm just like everyone else,

A slave to the society,

My opinion, it won't get heard,

As they silence me, what happened

To the freedom of speech?,

We're people, not animals,

We can't be controlled,

They do not have any power over us,

If we reject rules, we're dragged down,

An enemy to our leaders, a foe to the ones

Who gave us purpose, help and protect

Our home, which is a trap,

They call us rebels, yet they're the ones

Who call rules a 'nonsense', a blind man

Follows, from being uneducated having a guess,

At what life to him means, nothing is what

 It seems.


They say "Lose your weight", I ask them how?,

"Consume as much as you can and later throw up

what you ate" they tell me, is this wise?, who has done

This before?, to me it seems like insanity,

"It'll make your legs look great" they assure me,

I almost believe them, I look in the mirror, growing hate

For those who have shown me this awful sense of reality.

What kind of support is this supposed to be?,

The reflection before me is a monster, A lie in my mind believed, 

Came to love, I pushed my food away, 

While others yelled at me, "Girl, finish your food,"

I shook my head, I couldn't do it, 

If it meant to make me look good. 

I went to bed and had dreams 

Of being a thin, fine Looking young woman, 

With glowing skin, a nice smile, bright eyes,

Instead of a beast I had to despise,

But a twig with pale complexion is not a pretty sight,

It is the worst image to visualize in the night. I do not wish to

Look like a scare-crow with a haystack

On my head, no glow on my face, or a deep frown

To exaggerate my point, pure sadness and pain in my eyes,

A heart which has turned to stone,

I hate her, she is my enemy. 

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