In D e n i a l

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Hey Guys. 

It's been a while since I've updated. I've been collecting some ideas and I've been looking for inspiration. After watching clips of Shadowhunters and listening to music, crying my eyes out, I found something to write about. The Malec breakup in 2x18 completely messed me up. 

I wrote this poem last night, it is written in Magnus' point of view. 

It was inspired by a song called "High" by SIVIK

We used to be high but now
We're low, days get past and
I'm sitting in one place, no
Care in the world, let them go

Slow. I was so in love with you
Blinded by the love for you, I
Couldn't see the pain it could
Cause, I'm too sober to talk

Too early to open up, I've no
Time for emotional conversations
I don't want to be sentimental
I walked away to save us both

From a tragic end, makeup free
Pale skin, bags under my eyes
I'm trapped inside, no-one sees
Me, they can't sense I'm hurting

Too bad, I don't trust nobody, I
Get betrayed like it doesn't matter
You had me fooled, prepared for a
Life of color, feeling so alive, now

I'm feeling dead inside, want
You by my side, it's impossible to
Sleep without you every night, crying
Out your name with all my might. You're

Gone, suddenly the pictures from the
Photo-booth of you fade, all I see is
Me, with all my grief and misery, once
I called you my bright angel, you fucked 

Me up, I couldn't wait to enter heaven's gates
God said we were written in the stars, you
Can't believe those stories, they're lies
Illusions to get you drunk on false hopes

I'm staring in the mirror, a monster stands
Before me, grinning from ear to ear. I wish
We never parted, I wake up lonely a sun lit
Room, longing for my darling, lying on his

Side, a golden God entwined in silk, nothing
Else, my eyes hunger for his divine body, boy
We've messed up, made a mistake in not telling
Each other the truth, what happened to not pushing

One another away?, lost in duties and protecting
Ones we love, we forgot to talk, forgot honesty
This heartache is a great price, in unbearable
Pain we pay, I love you and miss you, I'm sorry

Is all I've made myself be able to say. 

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Copyright 2017 @smokeupthe-moon.

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