T o d a y W i l l B e D i f f e r e n t

19 5 3

A/N: Hey Guys.

This is a new poem I wrote yesterday evening. The poem is about starting over and seeing the world as it should be seen. It's a new day- a new beginning. Leave the past behind and let yourself move on. Embrace the positives that surround you, instead of giving in to the negatives. 

I hope you guys like the poem, if you do then please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT! :)


Wake up reborn,

Smell the roses,

Feel the morning's

Breeze and watch 

Drops of rain fall off the

Flower petals, today is

New and yesterday is left

Behind somewhere between

A page and a blank space,

Put on a smile, look up

And enjoy yourself, even

When the sky turns dark,

You know it's paradise.

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Copyright 2016  @smokeupthe-moon.

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