💔R e a s o n W h y💔

18 4 3

Note: This poem was written about the same person from the previous poem. I have not spoken to them properly as they keep acting as if nothing happened, I'm trying my best but the topic keeps being left on the side. This poem is about the same person, who tried to kiss me for the sake of experience.

Just because I'm inexperienced has somehow given them a right to try and get close to me. Now seeing them, seeing their face pains me. Thinking about that person makes me miserable. I've never felt like this before so whatever my heart tells me is most confusing.

You are the reason why I
Write, the reason why I
Breathe, sleep, eat, drink
Keep hope, hold onto faith

Is it everlasting?, why I 

Speak, it gives me a voice

To say what I think of you

Why I Like you, yet I have

A strong feeling in my heart
Wanting to despise you, loathe
You beyond belief, fly away
To some island where I'll

Feel total abandonment, you
Are the reason why my heart
Beats every single moment of
The day, you are the reason

Why my eyes fight to let out
Tears, hot streams running down
My cheeks, why my veins wish to
Open and make you watch as I bled

You are the reason why I close my
Eyes, every night and wait till
Dreams shut out all reality, you
Are the reason why my imagination

Is fed.

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