Apex 2wiice's beef with chres ROYALTY

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On the Princeton Perez show, Apex 2wiice and his female rap twin King Pinky has a song from their mixtape called “Twin Mentality” their second song which reached #1 on the charts called “young Kiings” has a verse dissing chres ROYALTY. Basically saying that he can’t rap worth a dime and that apex hit it first with nique the model, singer and actress. He demotes chres as “royaltly” because he isn’t a real king. Only real kings are the realist and so far the trillest is both apex and pinky.

According to chres ROYALTY himself he told me that he banged nique first and that the only reason she “settled” for him (apex) was becuz of fame and fortune that apex established but both chres and nique fell in love unlike apex. Apex only saw nique as a hoe to use once or in certain situations.

What do you all think my beautiful misfits? Stay tuned for more!

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