Ray in a horror movie (one shot imagine)

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Ray ray was mocking the news reporter in class while the teacher wasn’t present. He was making fun of the scary woods monster and telling stories about how ppl got killed and stuff. He called it story time and fairy tales while some of his peers were frightened. They couldn’t believe how ray could be so brave about this situation but all ray did was shake it off and laugh. The teacher finally arrived in class and warn the students not to walk home alone today.

Ray: Why not mr. berkstrom? It’s just like any other day i don’t see what’s the problem.

Mr. Berkstrom: the problem mr. lopez is that there is a strange creature lurking about and that the princepal ms. dooley wants to insure safety for all students. 

Ray: ehhh some creature. Whatever i’m not scared

Just then the intercom came on. It was the principle ms. dooley.

MD: Good morning students of Shady Pines High School. We have a slight change of plans for today. As many of you heard on the news this week about staying away from the wooddland areas because there’s an unknown noises that we cannot control and that this will frightened many students here.

Ray: pssshhh not me.

MD: Me and my staff are prepared to take any neccesary courses of action and that you all have at least two hours to contact your loved ones and that teachers must make sure that every student is properly taken care of and will be safe. This responsiblity will be heavily fall back on me and my staff as well as the teachers. Please please please pay attention and heed our warning. This is very serious.

Ray does the blah blah blah hand after ms. dooley said that. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

MD: That is all. You may resume your lecture time. Thank you and have a great and safe day.

MB: ok students i will allow you to call your loved ones so that you can get home safely.

the students make phone calls. Some students couldnt get signals on their cellys and some of them were frustrated and cried.

Ray: OH MY GOD. I’m so bored that i can’t believe that i’m saying this and somebody please stop me i’m begging you but i actually want to learn.

The class was astonished at ray. He’s the class clown and hardly ever pays attention and his grades were terrible.

Girl: are u serious ray ray?

boy: yea dog what the hell is wrong with you?

girl: in a time like this? really ray? your thoughts should be more concerned with the unknown woodland monster

ray: OMG who cares??? i’m not scared and so should yall.

The class went silent for a minute then everyone frantically kept calling their loved ones. mr. berkstrom was impressed with ray that he gave him a little assignment since he claimed he was so bored and spoke a few words of encouragement…

(later that afternoon)

everyone was seen walking with someone whether it be just two people or a group. students got on buses, climbed into cars except ray. Ray walked alone. He didn’t need anyone to pick him up cuz he usually walked home anyways. His house was near the woods. When he got there he heard strange noises. He shrugged it off and was brave. In actuality he was scared as hell. He was talking all that shit and making fun of a serious matter that when he turned he was gobbled up in one heartbeat. There were no witnesses. Everyone returned to school safely that day and was wondering where ray was. Days turned into weeks. Weeks into months. people posted signs of ray’s face everywhere. Have you seen this kid. No one found him. There was no traces of him. So they all presumed that he was dead,

Imagines by Rayraynicki IIWhere stories live. Discover now