Twin Mentality: Imagination

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Twin  Mentality's song "Imagination" from their second album :Twin Mentality.

Apex: Imagination.

Pinky: Imagination.

Apex: Pinky can you define what "Imagination means?"

Pinky: Sure 'pex. Do you want the definition of imagination or my definition of imagination?

Apex: the first one.

Pinky: Ok. *clears throat* According to dictionary

Apex: Uh-hun.

Pinky: They got like 5 different definitions.

Apex: Ok, read at least two of them for me.

Pinky: Ok. the first definition of imagination is defined by dictionary is "the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses."

Apex: Ok, ok and read me another one. 

Pinky: Ok, um. I'll read #4 to you. "the product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one." (

Apex: Ok, ok. Good thanx pinkz.

Pinky: you're welcome 'pex, but why did you need me to define the wod imagination?

Apex: Cuz, you'll c. *winks and smiles*

Pinky: *shakes head* oh lord.

*instrumental starts before apex begins to rap* (instrumental pauses)

Apex: They say having imagination is good thing. You are creative and that we all have it. But sometimes niggas out here be having WAY too much of it and instead of helping others with their mental creations, they use them for evil.

*instrumental resumes*

Apex: Imagination. Imagination. I remember back in grade school we had to use our imaginations. To come up with stories, and fairy tales. Those were the good times, now kids online are being deprived of their imagination. Imagination can be a good thing, but at the same time a bad thing. In life you gotta keep everything within a balance, you don't want to end up being old, deprive and harboring malice of...

Pinky: BAD imaginations. The ones that we all fear sometimes. The ones from our loved ones, the ones from our haters. IMAGINATIONS. Oh those imaginations. The same ones we use to escape our conflicts and get comfy in.

Apex: LIES. Lies are nothing but imaginations. Just like how chres ROYALTY fucked nique the model, the actress and former singer. He wish he was trill like me. Talkin shit is just your imagination. People can make up anything. You want the reality? YEA, ok. I fucked ole girl nique. Not once, but 2wiice nigga. You asked me if that kitty was good? HELL YEA. Don't forget that I hit that pussy first my nigga. You just imagining things so yo azz can be relevant butchu iz irrelevant. And just to let you know after all me and nique been though we is still good friends. Without nique, nigga yo whole career is over. Cuz that's all yo azz is famous for. But I ain wanna take yo dreams away so you can keep imagining things. Only fake niggas live in imaginations. I'ma real nigga so I live in reality.

Pinky: Don't stay too long in your imaginations. Cuz yo soul and yo spirit live in reality. We are only supposed to visit our imaginations for a while, when we're down and depressed and stressed on life, but once our imaginations make us happy and care-free it's time to return to our lives back in reality.

Apex: Imaginations. Man--

Pinky: Imaginations.

Apex: I believe in Imaginations and there sole purposes. If you want something in life you gotta go out and earn it. First it starts with a dream of you wanting something. Just like how when I was a kid I wanted to dance and be famous so I pursued my imagination as a dream intertwined with reality.

Pinky: Yes I know we all make mistakes and that's ok. Keep on dreaming and pursing your goals and don't give up. Ok so one dream wasn't fulfilled maybe another one will. It all started with a dream so don't give up. There has to be a balance between imaginations and reality.

Apex: So be real with yourself. Are you living an imagination or in reality? Cuz I'm living in reality. Yea I have dreams but I keep them in check from time to time. Some people often loose themselves within their own sick and twisted imaginations and die there. What a sad reality. Such a shame. That's why Imaginations can be dangerous. It can make you go loco.

Pinky: Imaginations are--

Apex: Powerful

Pinky: Dreams

Apex: Lies

Pinky: Creativity

Apex: Escape

Pinky: Happy

Apex: Art

Pinky: How do you define "imaginations?"

Apex: Don't get live in your imaginations too long. You start loose grip on reality. 

Pinky: Imaginations can be a beautiful too.

Apex: In my imagination I am a Kiing.

Pinky: So am I.

Apex and Pinky: We are kiings over our kiingdom which is the streets. That's our imagination.

Imagines by Rayraynicki IIWhere stories live. Discover now