Prodigy in a horror movie (one shot imagine)

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prodigy was at home alone eating a bucket of fried chicken. He heard the reports about the unknown woodlands monster roaming town and decided to eat a 12 piece chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, buttered biscuits, coleslaw and a large soda of pepsi. Actually tonight he had a hot date by this girl name sharlene. She was his date who apparently stood him up. He shrugged and continued eating. He turned on the tv and all he saw was the woodlands monster reports. Noone has ever seen him before so there was no footage. Prodigy shut the tv off and continued eating.

All of a sudden it was raining and he saw flashes of lighting and thunder. He was scared of the thunder as he was on his 6th piece of chicken just going through the box as it was 6:30 pm. 

Prod: one piece of chicken, two piece of chicken, three piece of chicken four…Take a bite of out the biscuit, two scoops of mashed potatoes, one scoop of slaw, eat one side of corn and five sips of pepsi and repeat the process all over again til all the food is gone.

The lights started flickering and there was weird noises all around. Like the wind was hollering his name.

Prod; huh? who’s there?


Prod: *shrugs* oh well (eats food)

lights flickering…



Picture of his late great-great-grandfather on the wall: *deep voice* WON’T YOU GIVE ME SOME OF THAT CHICKEN BOI!

Prod: *eyes widened*

he drops the chicken that he was eating as it fell to the floor in slow motion„,

Prod: *goes after the chicken in slow motion* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

His hand is stretched out as he catches the half eaten chicken bone. He smiles with pride and continues eating. When he sits back up at the table he notices that all his food is gone.

Prod: *looks around* HEY! WHERE’S MY CHICKEN?

the lights cut off. prodigy is in the dark. There is a screammmmm for 10 seconds followed by silence. The lights cut back on and all that was left on the table was a naked drumstick bone. 

Imagines by Rayraynicki IIWhere stories live. Discover now