12 Days of Mindless (Tara pt. 2)

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Tara: Sooooo What should we do now?

Prince: Well I'm ready to continue shopping cuz I gotta lotta ppl I still gotta buy gifts for.

Ray: Well, that's all good and fun but I didn't get a chance to eat so I'M gonna sit here and eat.

Prince: Umm, no ray you can't

Ray: And why the hell not?

Prince: Cuuuuz Uncle Kenny said we were ALL supposed to stay together and not seperate.

Ray: But we're still together so what are YOU talkin bout?

Prince: I'm talking about you staying in the food court and that me and the boys go shoppin. That's not gonna happen so that leaves you two choices. You either come with us or we'll stay here until you finish your meal.

Ray: -_____-

Prince: O_O

Ray: Like I said, I'm hungry. *unravels sandwitch and pulls out a bag of chips and two cookies*

Prod and Roc turn towards to each other and then towards princeton. Princeton got the memo and they agree to stay. They had no choice and so they pulled out their chairs and sat down til ray finished eating. Tara was still waiting on the boys to include her in their little plans for tonight so she looked around as if she wasn't neglected. Princeton had forgot that she was standing there and gestured her over to come sit on his lap. There were only four chairs at the table and when she came to sat on princeton's lap, ray looked up towards princeton's direction while munching on his sub and cut his eyes at him. That was supposed to be his girl for tonight. But oh well. She'll come crawling back. So Princeton and Tara had their own sideline conversation while prod and roc discussed about the beats they made earlier today at the studio. 

*****15 minutes later*****

Ray stood up and pushed his chair in and held his arms out.


Prince: FINALLY....I thought you'd never finish. *pats tara on the bottom softly* Tara giggles

Ray mimicks tara's giggle obviously because he's jealous that both tara and prince were getting to know each other.

Roc: So where should we go?

Ray: *turns towards tara* I think we should go wherever our GUEST wants to go. *smiles and holds out hand*

Tara: *awkward* Gee, that DOES sound like a good idea.

Ray: *smiles* Mm-hmm

Tara: *turns to prince* What do you think prince? Where would you like to go?

Ray: *jaw drops* IS SHE SERIOUS??? 

Prince: Well, In this case I agree with ray. Since my ppl can wait, and you're a fan. It's only right to pamper the fan since it's a few days away from christmas. 

Tara: *claps* YIP-PEEEEE!!!

The boys laughed minus ray who had his arms crossed. Roc noticed and wanted to see what's up.

Ray: *avoids eye contact* It's nothin man.

Roc: *tries to get ray to look at him** It has to be somethin. You normally don't act like this unless there was a girl involved.

Ray: *continues to avoid eye contact* 

Roc: Sooooo there IS a girl involved.

Ray: Let's change the subject. So where are we going? *the boys start walking away from the food court*

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