12 Days Of Mindless (Tara pt. 1)

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The 12 days of Mindless are mini-stories that MB does to show the fans appreciation during the month of december. For 12 days they decide to do something special and surprising for the mindless fans that they encounter or win a contest for. In this first story Tara is a BIG fan of MB and will get a sweet surprise and something new!

*chorus sings* On the First day of Mindless, MB gave to Taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-----

Tara's POV

Today is Dec. 13 and Tara and her mother are going christmas shopping together. It is around 4:30 pm in the afternoon where, when daylight savings time is in effect, outside the sky was starting to turn into dark blue. Tara didn't get out much ever since school let out for christmas break. Her age is 17. She looks into her closet full of clothes to find a decent outfit to wear. After searching she doesn't find any. The majority of her clothes were for both the spring and summer seasons, and even those were a mix match mess.Tara sighs with frustration.


Tara: *shouts from room* NO MOM! *look through her clothes again and whines to herself* I can't find anything to wearrrrrr. *stomps feet with frustration*

A few minutes later she just grabs a red turtle neck, brown leggings, a neon-yellow tank top with white reeboks. She looks into the mirror and shakes her head in disbelief. 

Tara: YUCK!!! I look horrible.

Mom: *shouts* COME ON TARAAAA, LET'S GO!

Tara: OKAY MAMA!!! She said as she grabbed her black bubble coat.

At the Mall (MB POV)

Roc: Well, you can check off my christmas list cuz I. AM. DONE!

Prod: Yea, me too.

Prince: Now wait-a-minute. I'M not done yet. 

The other three boys groan in unison

Ray: *throws his head back* Come on prince, we been shoppin for four whole hours. Now don't get me wrong. I love shoppin too, but dang this is just TOO much.

Prince: I know, I know. Just two more places and then I'm done.

Prod: *relieved*  Phew, whatta relief!

Prince checks his shopping list

Prince: WAIT no, it's FOUR more places.

Ray Royal sucked they teeth in anger

Prince: *rechecks list* OH I'm sorry you guys, it's actually, SIX.

ray royal threw their hands up in unison and groaned

Roc: *upset* Will you make up your mind, prince?

Prince: *shouts angrily* Well, excuse ME If I have a BIG family to shop for.

Roc: *guilty* Oh yea. My bad.

Prod: Now that we got THAT out of the way, I think we should take a lunch break.

Roc: *chuckles* I agree with prod....All this shoppin gotta nigguh hungry up in this piece.

So the boys agreed and headed to the food court while tara and her mother just arrived at the mall. They entered on the first level of the mall near Macy's. 

Tara's POV

Mom: Ok, so we are gonna split up to do a little shopping and then afterwards we are gonna meet back here near this bench in front of Macy's.

Tara: Ok

Mom: Is your cellphone on?

Tara: *non-chalant tone* Yes ma'am.

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