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The year is 1998 and a rising new urban boy band hits the scene. Who are these four sexy boys? 

Jessica Johnson- 7th grader who loves the backstreet boys and Nysnc. She's white with blonde hair, freckles, glasses and braces. She's a total fangirl but a nerd. She's best friends with Iesha Taylor. Her african-american friend she shares classes with. Once Jessica finishes all her school work she spends the rest of her days dreaming of meeting the N'Sync until this new boy band emerges on the music scene and ever since she's saw videos about them on MTV she has slowly forgotten about her other boy crushes.

Iesha Taylor- 7th grader who also loves BoysIIMen. She's an athletic girl with medium-length dreds, nose pierce and wear hip hop clothing mixed with grunge style she learns about this new boyband and is not impressed with them. She thinks they're annoying and their music is lame but someone changes her mind.

Jessica and Iesha was on spring break for a week. It was nice and warn and you grab those koolaid freeze pops from the freezer to chill down and watch ricki lake at 11 am. It was one of yall fave shows. During commercials this young and fresh boy band was on TV saying that they were coming to your city this week and that tickets were on sale.  Yea Yea! They are recently on tour with the popular boy band Backstreet boys. The commercial said that this young boy band will be an opening act for the Backstreet boys and that they too will have a meet and greet after the show. 

Jessica: Hmmm, what do you think about them?

Iesha: Who?

Jessica: You know, the new boy group.

Iesha: You mean Mindless Behavior?

Jessica: Yea.

Iesha: *shrugs* They aight I guess.

Jessica: I wonder how old they are?

Iesha: We could wait until 9 o'clock and watch their "MB cams"

Jessica: Oooooo I love those.

Iesha: Yea there ok i guess.

Jessica: They're NOT just ok Iesha, they're the BEST. They're adorable. They're OFF-THE-CHAIN!!!

Iesha: NO, they're hella wack. That's what they're are.

Jessica: *sighs* Oh Iesha. You may dislike them now, but one day, you'll love em.

Iesha: No thanks.

Jessica: Ugh. I wish I had a friend that can share my love for Mindless Behavior as much I do.

Iesha kinda felt guily about her not liking Mindless Behavior along with her best friend. They both love two different boy bands and if Iesha starts to like MB then that would be a good thing cuz they could see eye to eye on alot of things and strengthen their bond more by being friends of MB. 

Iesha: Well I'm gonna go do my homework and then I want to get on the internet.

Jessica: *sad* Um ok. I'll do my homework too so we can get online.

[30 minutes later]

Iesha: *stretches* Thank Gahd, that's over.

Jessica: Yea, this whole time I was waiting on you.

Iesha: Ok so you ready to go online?

Jessica: *nervous* Um, I'm not so sure. I have to call my mom first.

Iesha: really jess? Are you scared or something?


Iesha: Then come on. Let's go online to AOL.

Jessica quickly pushes the scary thought of her parents scolding her not to go online. They have to pay a monthly subscription to use the web. And she is supposed to always call and ask her parents before logging on. The girls went down to Jessica's room and Iesha sat in the computer chair waiting to log in to AOL.

Iesha: Ok Jess, what's your screenname?

Jessica: Um my moms name. LJohnson

Iesha: *types* Password word?

Jessica hops off the bed and whispers it to Iesha. We signed on and then this irritating noise comes on. It's called Dial-up. Before we got successfully log-in, there are a series of three squares with a yellow guy who's the AOL icon words underneath them. The first says "Dialing...." during this connection process we couldn't use the telephone and whoever calls us couldn't get through because we're dialing through a modem. Then the second picture is the same yellow man but he's supposed to be running and the caption says "Connection" and the last picture displays four faceless AOL pl and the triangle logo behind them with the caption "Connected!" Which means we're finally online!! It took us 30 seconds. EVERYTIME we try to get online it takes us at least 30 seconds sometimes longer if we get bad connection service.

Iesha: WOO-HOO!!! We're online. Let's see where shall we go?

Jessica: *smiles*  OOo um let's go to that forum site that talks about the boys.

Iesha: Backstreet boys?

Jessica: Noooo. MB.

Iesha: Still talkin 'bout MB?

Jessica: YEA. I told you Eesh, I'm starting to love them.

Iesha: But you don't even know them like N'Sync or the Backstreet boys.

Jessica: Well the way I see them, they remind me of a younger version of BoysIIMen.

Iesha: OH PLEASE. Do NOT compare my men to those little mofos.

Jessica: Eesh......please stawp talkin bout them like that. They're awesome.

Iesha: *shakes head* Jess, you're really weird you know that?

Jessica: Yea i know.

Iesha: Nobody in class likes Mindless Behavior except you.

Jessica: You don't know that.

Iesha: *shrugs* So, i'm just saying becareful. If you start going around saying to people that you like that new boy group people are gonna start sayng things about you.

Jessica: *confused* Saying things about me? Like what?

Iesha: That you like a new boy group and you're betraying your husbands from other bands. That's cheating.

Jessica: SO! Mindless Behavior is different from the Backstreet boyz and N'Sync.

Iesha: Different how?

Jessica: They have fresh moves and they're really cute.

Iesha: *rolls eyes*  Whatever. Do you mind if i check my email?

Jessica: No, go ahead.

Imagines by Rayraynicki IIWhere stories live. Discover now